



Results (18047)

Help: RE: Plugin problems after moving to Redmine 5.0.1 from 4.2.3
This error comes from Plugin "redmine_code_re ... dring loading files. I am facing the same issue here: Maybe you can solve the problem with the ... his problem on the github-page of the plugin. 2022-06-09 08:40
Open discussion: Export Issue to PDF
Hello, I trying to exports those Issues/Tasks documents to PDF from link on end pag ... rror: writeHTMLCell Error.): 1: <%= raw issue_to_pdf(@issue, :journals => @journals) %> lib/redmine ... MwriteFormattedCell' lib/redmine/export/pdf/issues_pdf_helper.rb:238:in `block in issue_to_pdf' lib/redmine/export/pdf/issues_pdf_helper.rb:217:in `each' lib/redmine/export/pdf/issues_pdf_helper.rb:217:in `issue_to_pdf' app/views/issues/show.pdf.erb:1:in `_app_views_issues_show_pdf_erb__2546968644900324285_702340976 ... edmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode' </pre> 2022-06-08 21:00
Development: RE: bounties, crowdfunding: how to fund things in Redmine?
I don't think any of the "core" developers of ... side-effects or edge-cases which might cause issues for some users and result in a high mainten ... ditional problems on its own. This is a huge issue that many people try to strictly avoid, spec ... s. With that being said, for the specific issue you have linked to here: this is one of the ... n tasks and versions * how to handle moving issues between projects * investigate how this ch ... ly, e.g. by adding some rules to alert if an issue is not closed or resolved within a certain t ... e should be solved differently in my opinion. 2022-06-08 12:20
Open discussion: RE: Redmine Performance with more than 100.000 Issues
Any update?!? 2022-06-07 16:32
Help: Issue closed by
Hi, I have created an external report page w ... of particular project based on who close the issue, but from postgres *issues* table i'm not able to find any clue of *cl ... by* Any guidance will be much appreciated 2022-06-07 14:14
Help: How to get project scope issue id from RESTful API ?
We have a lot of projects with different project prefix for scoped issue id. I'm going to write a tool for scheduling issues and for my weekly report. With my investigation, it is possible to query issue details from the scoped id and native id. But didn't find anything about the project scope issue id in the redmine's RESTFUL API document, and there's no scoped issue id in the /issues.xml response, is there any way to get it from the issues native numeric id? Thanks! 2022-06-06 03:50
Open discussion: bounties, crowdfunding: how to fund things in Redmine? (from development forum)
I asked this in the developer section of the ... to the date fields: I personally developed one of the h ... mentation or for somebody to extend my work 2022-06-02 10:58
Plugins: ERPmine v4.6 Released
We are happy to announce the release of ERPmi ... le. - Display consumed Material list in issue detail page. - Include a "New Row" link ... - Format all pages Edit/Delete URLs. - Issues are not loaded When clicking issue logger. - Display the current date cloc ... 2022-06-02 08:24
Help: Multiple plugins not working properly (NoMethodError)
Since we have upgraded to redmine version 4.2 ... tps:// Issue templates: Tags: ... S: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS DB: 10.3.8-MariaDB-log 2022-05-30 10:44
Development: Port Issue's History tab to Products/Orders plugin
I'm beginning to editing Redmine Plugins. I'm trying to add history tab like in issues to redmine_products's Orders but can't figure it out. Any tips how to do it correctly? 2022-05-25 10:07
Help: Plugin problems after moving to Redmine 5.0.1 from 4.2.3
Hi, I moved from 4Redmine 4.2.3 to Redmine ... s that prevents Redmine to start are redmine_issue_templates, additionals, additional_tags. ... puma:23:in `<main>' E:\data\redmine> </pre> 2022-05-24 23:05
Help: RE: Cross-project related issues
I wouldn't have thought about using different ... ually be the solution to our problem. Thanks! 2022-05-24 16:35
Help: RE: Help for updating project custom field via API
Hello, Issue identified and fixed The right format for t ... "Conception" } }} </pre> Regards Dn 2022-05-23 19:50
Help: RE: Cross-project related issues
Alternatively, you can simply refer to the ex ... the number as text input (e.g. #123) in the issue description or a comment - this way everyone ... ccessed with the appropriate authorization... 2022-05-23 14:08
Help: RE: Cross-project related issues
Well, that's always the problem with cross-pr ... be used than just for single-project-related issues [[Guide]] 2022-05-23 14:05
Help: Cross-project related issues
Hi there, in our organization, we use the cross-project issue relations feature. Let's say we have two projects A and B. If an issue from project A is added as a related issue to an issue from project B, then members of project B who do not have the View issues permission for project A cannot even see that there is any related issue. This creates some confusion if the person c ... ot know which projects others working on the issue are also members of. However, we do not want everyone to be able to access all issues from project B. In such a scenario, is the ... e to see at least that there is some related issue, but not what it is, or be able to see the name of the related issue but not view its content? Or is this way of using cross-project related issue... 2022-05-23 11:10
Help: thousands separator
hi, would anyone know how to use view_customize to show thousand separators on the issues page by using javascript and toLocaleString ... currency custom field? thanks, george. 2022-05-22 11:07
Help: RE: Installation plugins to Redmine 5.0 ... .rb:35:in `require': cannot load such file.."
A bit more detail here. I pulled the first t ... pre> require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/issues_controller_patch.rb' </pre> I have al ... /updating plugins in the next little while... 2022-05-20 19:22
Help: RE: Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
We are facing the same issues in Redmine 3.4. Custom field (for user) is ... to show its values (available_columns). 2022-05-19 12:40
Help: RE: Change projects default page
It works. I change for : get '/projects/:project_id/', :to => 'issues#index' 2022-05-19 09:46
Help: RE: Change projects default page
Hello All, Sorry to dig up this old thread. I'm trying to define "Issues list" as default projet page. I've add f ... . > > get '/projects/:project_id/', :to => 'issues#show' I've also try > > get '/projects/:project_id/', :to => 'issues#show', as => 'projet_issues' But when I try to access it, I get a 40 ... ideas to mke it works ? Thanks, Cédric 2022-05-19 09:39
Help: RE: Migration JIRA to Redmine
I have recently moved our company Jira to Red ... years), ~500 users, ~100 projects, ~100 000 issues. ... ad if it helps anybody. Regards, Alex 2022-05-19 06:02
Development: bounties, crowdfunding: how to fund things in Redmine?
Do Redmine developers currently accept paym ... to the date fields: I personally developed one of the h ... te funds to have an official implementation 2022-05-14 22:32
Help: Upgrading from 3.4.10 ==> 4.2.5 causing issues and projects description being rendered in HTML5
Hi, i just finished upgrading my redmine ... , all the description of the projets and the issues subject are being rendered in html5 as show ... inux] Mysql version: 5.7.38 Regards. 2022-05-12 18:28
Help: How to import issues from a CSV and import the Notes too
Hello, I'm new to Redmine. I looked into Redmine-Wiki [[HowTo_import_issues]], but is there a way to also import commen ... Jira. !Snip_Commentary.PNG! Thank you! 2022-05-11 14:34