



Results (505)

Redmine Harvest integration
This plugin is used to sync time entries made in Harvest with issues in Redmine by scanning the notes field of i ... t number which would correspond to a Redmine issue ID. When an issue is found it adds time to Redmine accordingly ... * Sync time entries made in Harvest with issues in Redmine * Matches incoming Harvest entries against Redmine issue IDs from active projects * Adds time entrie ... are ignored or associated with some blanket issue (e.g. break time could be added to a single ... ilters (jQuery DataTables) * Ensure matched issue IDs are from an active project * Harvest ad ... Harvest for easier filtering on settings page 2013-05-03 23:03
Redmine Scrum cards
*Redmine Scrum cards plugin* Plugin adds the ability to generate PDF with cards from issues Each issue card includes issue id, issue subject and issue estimated_hours PDF can be downloaded from issue page, or from dropdown menu in issues list It’s compatible with redmine 1.4 branch redmine2 compatible with redmine 2.3 2013-04-26 08:58
Summed Fields
Tested with redmine 1.4.x and 2.3.1 Configure numeric (integer and float) issue custom fields as summable, so that a parent issue can sum the field values among all its sub-t ... urthermore, the sum is displayed also in the issue listing view (spent time is not summed up in the parent issue, in that view, instead). Another issue custom field’s setting is added to configure the field as shown in the subtask section of an issue detailed view. Subtask view in the parent issue is modified so that: * a table header is ... partial value and of the sum altogether. The issue overview can be configured with meaningful fields from subtasks and offer better insights. 2013-04-05 11:31
Redmine Extended Watchers
In versions of Redmine prior to 4.2, non member users of a project could be added as issue watchers by member users without gaining the necessary view permission to see the project and the issue itself. This plug-in was originally created ... Mode, the plug-in allows you to add users as issue watchers even if they don't have sufficient ... g permissions to the project and the watched issue. Alternatively, in Protected Mode, the plug ... the individual privileges granted on watched issues through the membership to an unprivileged R ... with those defined privileges, only the own issues. Thus, being assigned as a watcher to an otherwise hidden issue will grant the issue privileges in the Role over the watched issue(s) too, similarly to the case when the issue is assigned to the user. Furthermore, Red ... nd the Protected Mode as a way to read the *"... 2013-04-05 10:09
h1. User mentions, saving text drafts and dis ... Features: * Auto-savings drafts for new issues and notes * User mentions inside Issue's notes and description * Full-screen mode ... oss all Redmine, such as wikis, news, forum, issues, comments, notes, contacts and any other fo ... bold;} Saving drafts% Now you can work on issue descriptions, comments or notes safe that yo ... 2013-04-02 23:56
Redmine Watcher Groups
Plugin for Redmine that adds functionality to ... to Watchers. Adds new list in the showed Issue sidebar which lists added Watcher Groups and ... list. All notifications to involved in a issue users (watchers + involved) are sent also to the current members of all added groups. 2013-03-20 15:40
Mail Status
Redmine Mail Status Plugin changes the issue status from one value to another on update, ... tus, for example “New”, and then whenever an issue with that status is updated it will be chang ... an be enabled and disable on a project basis. 2013-03-14 21:56
Redmine open version filter
This plugin adds new filters. *In opened versions*. If this filter is enabled then user will see issues belong to versions which are "opened" and h ... create opened versions without date and add issues to these versions. Users will not see these ... If this filter is enabled then user will see issues without version or in versions without date ... d help Project Managers control future tasks. 2013-03-11 15:48
Redmine all files
Plugin for Redmine to view all project files. ... e files only from said containers(Documents, Issues, Project, Versions, WikiPages, News). 2013-03-11 15:23
Redmine Pipeline Plugin
Pipeline is a Redmine plugin to ease the esti ... ms the estimated and left-over times of open issues * Multiple filter and grouping-options bui ... calculation on a per month or per week basis 2013-03-10 17:32
detailed timed tab
have tabs in issue, also adds detailed time logs with the rest of comments and issues. thread for discussion 2013-03-09 16:36
Redmine issues macros
Plugin provides 3 macro: {{related_issues}}, {{child_issues}} and {{issue(ID)}}. {{related_issues}} displays all issues, related with curent. If related issue has subtasks, they will be displayed after related issue's description. {{child_issues}} displays all subissues. If subissue has it's own subissues, they will be displayed after subissue's description. {{issue(ID)}} displays issue with the passed id, if current user allows v ... se one of the macros below) are not checking. 2013-03-06 15:25
Redmine contacter
Redmine plugin to add multiple contacts to an issue. A contact has name, direction and telephone ... to be added to a project to use the contacts. 2013-02-27 18:00
Watcher groups
Select issue watchers by groups. !! 2013-02-21 09:14
Redmine Git Hosting :: Gitolite Integration
This plugin allows straightforward management ... * Improved Repository Statistics * Github Issues Sync * Browse Archived Repositories * and maybe more :) 2013-02-21 07:32
Advanced Membership Management
This plugin makes 3 times mainly: # Auto a ... e visit the homepage to contribute with your issues & patches. 2013-02-20 23:13
Question Plugin
Allow users to assign a journal's note to ano ... uestion is achieved by writing a note on the issue where it was asked. It is based in the Qu ... e visit the homepage to contribute with your issues & patches. 2013-02-20 23:04
Allow a user to create meetings associated with a project and (optionally) an issue. A meeting has many participants and part ... e visit the homepage to contribute with your issues & patches. 2013-02-20 22:54
Documents Short
h1. Documents Short plugin A Redmine plugi ... or request a new feature you can open a new issue at the issue-tracking section of the plugins’ GitHub site: h2. Licensing This plugin is open-so ... (C) 2024, Stéphane Moreau ( 2013-02-16 14:34
Embedded Flash Macro
This plugin lets you embed Flash content in wiki, issues, etc. thanks to the @{{flash(file, width, h ... o display attachments for security reasons. 2013-01-21 22:04
Attach image from clipboard
Paste image from clipboard as an attachment. ... r Flash dependency) * attachment *works for issues, wiki, news, files, documents, forums* * i ... paste/blob/master/README.textile * Report issues on github page * *When reporting issues provide the following information:* ** Red ... rating system version Redmine is running on 2013-01-18 17:13
Hipchat Notifications (per project)
HipChat Per Project Notifications from Redmin ... in sends messages to your HipChat rooms when issues are created or updated. The message contains information about the issue status/priority change if there's any. 2013-01-17 14:18
Inline Note Images plugin
This plugin lets you preview images attached to issue notes. By default redmine shows previews for the images attached in issue notes only in issue header. If you have an issue with many notes and attachments it becames h ... will show image previews right inside a note. 2012-12-25 11:45
Email Notification Content Filter
This plugin allows you to hide fields from the issue update notification emails, so no sensitive ... vated per project and allows you to hide the issue title, description and/or notes. *This pl ... dmine_plugins if you need enterprise support. 2012-12-19 18:59
This plugin generates line graphical indicato ... nned value (estimated hours indicated in new issue), and earned value distributed in weeks / ye ... i and spi indicators. Tested on redmine 2.1.3 2012-12-11 12:35