



Results (505)

Get simple information about the status of reading issues with the RE-issues-read plugin. Features: * An easy way to ... /wp-content/uploads/2023/10/screenshot_5.png! 2023-10-06 20:56
Redmine Description Macros
h1. Redmine Description Macros Redmine Des ... to handle iterations and circular recursion issues seamlessly, ensuring the integrity and func ... rt the description of the parent * parent_issue Displays an issue link including additional information for the issue's parent. Examples: @{{parent_issue}}@ -- Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities @{{parent_issue(project=true)}}@ -- Andromeda - Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities @{{parent_issue(tracker=false)}}@ -- #123: Enhance macro capabilities @{{parent_issue(subject=false, project=true)}}@ -- Andromeda - Issue #123 * sibling_description Insert ... nd sibling of the given tracker * sibling_issue... 2023-08-12 00:33
Redmine Paste As Wiki Tables plugin
This plugin enhances the functionalities of R ... thin your Wiki tables. * *Image Addition to Issue Notes:* In addition to the existing feature of adding images to new issue notes, this plugin enables you to include images even while editing existing issue notes. Importantly, this operation triggers ... newly added attachments are saved correctly. 2023-08-02 17:29
Redmine Email Attachments
A Redmine plugin to add issue attachments as email attachments on notification emails. Fixes 2023-07-17 08:03
Parent Child Filters Plugin
h1. Redmine Parent Child Filters Plugin This plugin provides advanced filtering capabilities for issues in Redmine based on their hierarchical rela ... @trackers@ and @status@ of parent and child issues. h2. Features * *Root Level Filtering*: Enables you to filter issues based on the root-level attributes. ** @ro ... s@ * *Immediate Parent Filtering*: Target issues based on their immediate parent attributes. ... your filtering criteria to any level of the issue's ancestry. ** @parent_tracker@ (any parent ... allowing filtering based on the depth of the issue's ancestry. If multiple depths are selected, ... hild Level Filtering*: Directly target child issues with the following attributes. ** @child_t ... njoy the flexibility and freedom it brings! 2023-07-13 15:14
Issue To-do Lists Plugin (reworked)
This plugin allows creating individual to-do lists per project with the ability to add issues and order them manually, regardless of what issue priority these issues have. It is a rework of an older unmaintai ... idas (Thank you for your great work!) ... te to-do lists per project * Add individual issues with or without comments per to-do list (al ... lists with solely text items * Order these issues / items per drag and drop * Add and remove issues to/from to-do list by context menu (even bulk adding possible) * Autocomplete for issues (as with issue relations) * To-do lists show all configured default columns displayed on the normal issue list * Remove closed issues from to-do list automatically (configurable per to-do list) * Modify to-do list adherence from ... 2023-07-12 12:23
Redmine SLA
h1. Redmine SLA Manage SLAs in Redmine ! ... pper/redmine_sla/main/doc/images/redmine_sla_issue_patch.png! h2. Digest Redmine SLA pl ... the project's configuration * View live in issue view, issue list and timelog list. h2. Localisation ... n : 2023-06-04 22:59
Redmine Drag And Drop
Allow the user to easily update the issue's parent, and issues co-relations like "related" or "follows" directly into "Project Issues" page, just drag a issue over another issue and choose what you want to change! !http ... -19%20172216.png! PS: intl path welcome :) 2023-05-19 22:26
Microsoft Teams chat plugin for Redmine
This plugin posts updates to issues in your Redmine installation to a Microsoft ... is code is based on the redmine-slack plugin. 2022-12-07 09:51
Share issues by password
Allows to create access, for issues by password, for anonymous user !https ... * Creating different passwords for the same issue * Specify access expiration time !https: ... are/raw/master/doc/screenshots/idea_sxem.png! 2022-11-24 20:32
h1. Redmine Budget Plugin: Keep Your projects ... fixed fee. Bill rate by user, by project, by issues or by company * Invoices and expenses integration - Issue and project costs calculation on Redmine Issue page * History of hourly rates - Each user ...!: !{ width:33%; float: left;}.https://w ... ets&utm_campaign=redmineorg-budgets-getplugin 2022-10-24 18:38
Kanban (Agile) board
h1. Powerful Kanban board. h2. Key features: * Detail view of issue on a modal board * Quick filters * Task bl ... p.png! !! 2022-10-23 23:35
Redmine Silencer 3
h2. Redmine Silencer 3 This is a 100% FRE ... email notifications (at will) when updating issues. Please contact the Ready Redmine team abou ... * Blocking email notification for single issue update * Blocking email notifications for bulk issue update * Global switch in header for blocki ... and enable 'Suppress email notifications in issue' - for the role to be able to control silencing notifications on issue edit level 'Suppress email notifications gl ... can also enable the setting 'Silent mode on issue level enabled by default?' in Administration ... onfigure for the 'Redmine Silencer 3' plugin. 2022-10-23 23:14
A plugin to run Ruby code on Redmine. --- In Redmine's issue page: !! After click Ruby code on descri ... v0.1.0/doc/after_click_code_on_comment.png! 2022-10-12 08:51
redmine duplicates of duplicate issues
Redmine lets you specify an issue as a duplicate of another issue using relations. direct duplicate issues are two issues with a duplicate relation between them (Is\Has duplicate). you can see direct duplicate issues in the project issues page by looking at the column "Related issues" or in the issue page under "Related issues" section. indirect duplicates are two issues that are connected in any way by duplicate ... is plugin will add: # a column to project issues page that will show you all direct and indirect duplicate of an issue. # a filter that allows you to search on the added column. # a section in issue page that list all the duplicate issue... 2022-10-07 11:28
Lightbox2 Plugin by RedmineX
This plugin is a fork of the great https://ww ... * easy installation * Adds Lightbox2 to issue attachments * Compatible with Redmine 5.x ... !: 2022-08-30 15:22
Redmine Excel Connector
A convenient and powerful plugin to make redm ... Excel. With its help, you can load Readmine issues to Excel, and then arrage them as Excel sty ... h various excel template. * Filters to load issues to Excel, or just load new changes from Red ... cel rows, by Redmine ID(#). * Save modified issues on Excel to redmine, history for every issue will be generated, same as saving from web. ...! 2022-06-20 16:20
When create a new issue, due date has value now 2022-06-11 17:22
Redmine Web Forms
This plugin manages Redmine Web Forms as an alternative to creating new issues. It creates a new entry in the admin men ... t is for. # Forms will eventually create an issue of selected type, on selected project, with ... # Fields may relate to a custom field of the issue setting a custom value # Fields may have an ... tual question text) # Questions may fill an issue custom field directly # If not associated w ...! 2022-03-09 18:09
Agile My Page Module By Redmine X
h1. Agile Board My Page Module, An Extensions ... My Page Module * Drag & drop change of issue status or swimlane * Issue priorities are visual * Display agile cards ... y sprints (RedmineUP Agile PRO) * Search by issue subject - extremely quick * Filter Project ... s development, fast support & bug fixing. 2021-11-12 18:22
AHAU 260 (Microsoft 365, Outlook, Teams, Project, Chrome, HubSpot, Adobe CC, Google)
h1. Integrate Redmine with Microsoft 365. Sta ... Easily turn emails into tasks, requests, or issues with the AHAU260 Outlook integration. Link ... AHAU 260. We will be happy to assist you. 2021-11-10 17:54
Issue Reminder
h1. Issue Reminder Plugin - remind issues manually and automatically !base_option_1_stripped.png! The Issue Reminder Plugin adds the functionality to send issue reminders automatically and manually. Manua ... yourself, the assignee or the author of that issue. Auxiliary-X offers a cron-like script to c ... iner.* Manual reminders can be sent to open issues by any user who has the access rights to view the regarding issue and send reminders. The reminded user receives an email about the regarding issue, regardless of the chosen email notification ... ch will be visible to the receiver. Reminded issues are collected in a reminder overview and disappear as soon as the issue is closed or delegated to another user. The ... ject member the number of reminders for open issue... 2021-10-03 23:34
Real-time Staff Watcher for Managers - monitor issues your team is working on in the real-time
Plugin gives possibility to see if staff is working right now and what issues they do. ! ... mine-Time-Tracker-Software-Time-Logger#plugin 2021-09-14 12:02
That Thread
This plugin adds email-like thread capability to Redmine's issues and forums. Want to thread a reply? Use ... ne 4.0 and below you'll need to install the "Issue Tabs": plugin. _Redmine 4.1 and above comes with own issue history tabs implementation._ The plugin ... This is included into Redmine 4.1 and above._ 2021-09-08 12:01
Redmine View Issue Description
h1. Redmine plugin: view issue description This plugin adds the possibility to limit the **visibility** of **issue descriptions**, based on +role permissions+ ... .g., customers), without hiding an essential issue overview and issue related information. Long story short, without the new @view_issue_description@ permission, a user cannot enter an issue or view its description. An exception is made for @issues@ where the user is the @assigned user@. ... bility. h2. Features # Project module @issue_tracking@ has an extended permission: @view_issue_description@ # Project module @project@ has ... @view_activities_global@ # API calls on @issues@ have been extended with: ** @repository@ ... he files into @$REDMINE/plugins/redmine_view_issue_description@ # Restart REDMINE. h2. Usage # Set the permission of @view_... 2021-08-02 09:34