HowTo Mylyn » History » Version 28
Felix Schäfer, 2010-07-13 16:01
1 | 27 | Felix Schäfer | (I got tired of scrubbing spam from this page, please "contact me":/users/3866 with the needed modifications if you spot errors. I don't use Eclipse or Mylyn myself, so all credit goes to the original authors and those that have sent modifications to me.) |
2 | 26 | Felix Schäfer | |
3 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | h1. HowTo connect a Mylyn repository to Redmine |
4 | |||
5 | 13 | Mischa The Evil | {{>TOC}} |
6 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | |
7 | 27 | Felix Schäfer | These instructions should work with redmine 0.9 stable and up. |
8 | |||
9 | 13 | Mischa The Evil | h2. Using the generic web repository connector |
10 | |||
11 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | "Mylyn": is an Eclipse plugin for task management. |
12 | This HowTo explains how to connect to Redmine using the generic web repository connector. |
13 | |||
14 | 6 | Mischa The Evil | Note that the generic web repository connector is not part of the default Mylyn install. |
15 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | So, you have to install it first from the _incubator_ update site (see |
16 | |||
17 | 13 | Mischa The Evil | h3. Create a Task Repository |
18 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | |
19 | # Right-click on the task repositories list and click *Add task repository* |
20 | 5 | Jeffrey Price | # Choose _Web Template (Advanced)_ and click *Next* |
21 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | # Configure the repository: |
22 | 2 | Jean-Philippe Lang | |
23 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | <pre> |
24 | Server: -- Replace it with the URL of your Redmine instance |
25 | 27 | Felix Schäfer | Task URL: ${serverUrl}/issues/ |
26 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | New task URL: ${serverUrl}/projects/foo/issues/new -- Replace foo with the identifier of the project used for new tasks |
27 | Query request URL: ${serverUrl}/issues |
28 | 27 | Felix Schäfer | Query pattern: <td class="subject">.*?<a href="/issues/(\d+)">(.+?)</a></td> |
29 | Login request URL: ${serverUrl}/login?username=${userId}&password=${password}&authenticity_token=${loginToken} [POST] |
30 | Login Form URL: ${serverUrl}/login |
31 | Login Token Pattern: <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="(.+?)" /> |
32 | 2 | Jean-Philippe Lang | </pre> |
33 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | |
34 | 27 | Felix Schäfer | Example (this screenshot is somewhat outdated, you can "send me":/users/3866 a newer one if you use Mylyn, thanks): |
35 | 2 | Jean-Philippe Lang | |
36 | 28 | Felix Schäfer | p=. !mylyn-repository-properties-2.png! |
37 | 26 | Felix Schäfer | |
38 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | You can replace the _Query request URL_ parameter with the following if you want to get only the issues that are assigned to you: |
39 | 2 | Jean-Philippe Lang | |
40 | ${serverUrl}/issues?set_filter=1&assigned_to_id=me |
41 | |||
42 | 15 | Alistair MacDonald | The following Query pattern value reads Status, Owner and Tracker fields too (Mylyn 3.2.1) : |
43 | 10 | Etienne Massip | <pre> |
44 | 28 | Felix Schäfer | <td class="tracker">({Type}.+?)</td><td class="status">({Status}.+?)</td>.+?<td class="subject">.*?<a href=".*?/issues/({Id}\d+)">({Description}.+?)</a></td><td class="assigned_to"><a href.+?>({Owner}.+?)</a></td> |
45 | 10 | Etienne Massip | </pre> |
46 | |||
47 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | Status is read as "uncomplete" or "complete" in Eclipse. |
48 | 10 | Etienne Massip | |
49 | 13 | Mischa The Evil | h3. Create a Query |
50 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | |
51 | * On the task list, right-click and choose *New* -> *Query...* |
52 | 2 | Jean-Philippe Lang | * And select your newly created repository |
53 | 7 | steeven lee | |
54 | 1 | Jean-Philippe Lang | p=. !mylyn-task-list.png! |
55 | 7 | steeven lee | |
56 | 13 | Mischa The Evil | h2. Using specialized Redmine-Mylyn connector |
57 | 7 | steeven lee | |
58 | 13 | Mischa The Evil | "Redmine-Mylyn Connector": is another solution providing better integration with Mylyn. |