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fabrice salvaire, 2016-10-05 00:10

Redmine theme list

This is a directory of the available themes for Redmine, sorted with the most recently updated ones first. The information listed in the respective theme entry fields is described in the legend at the end of this page. General information about Redmine themes and how to install them into your Redmine can be found on Themes.

Other helpful things
  • Theme Changer plugin lets each user select their own preferred theme at "My page" Compatible with 2 and 3
  • Custom CSS plugin: allows CSS changes to be made from within Redmine itself. Compatible with 2 and 3
  • _RedWord_ for Word Press - a layer, to allow use of any RedMine theme directly.

Themes updated in 2016


SASS theme

  • Sass is a theme forked from the vanilla Redmine v3.3 stylesheet and converted to SASS. Its purpose is to improve moderately the vanilla theme (see home page for more details).
    • Author: Fabrice Salvaire
    • Latest release: 2016-10
    • Compatible with: Modern Browser and Redmine v3.3
    • Screen shot: coming soon

Circle theme

  • Circle is a freshly designed soft color palette redmine theme with flat styles and form elements styles. Hide sidebar button and dropdown menu items
    • Author: _Kirill Bezrukov_
    • Latest release: v.2.1.0 - 2016-06-22
    • Compatible with: FF, Safari, Chrome, IE7+, Redmine 1.x & Redmine 2.x & Redmine 3.x
    • Screen shot: Image

Alex theme

ChiliProject Look and Feel

Dwarf Theme



Progressive Projects List theme

Updated in 2015

Fedmine theme

Flatly light



Updated in 2014

A1 theme

Basecamp-with-icon theme

Theme Flat


Nyss-gitlab theme

Pixel Cookers theme

Redmine Bootstrap

Bavarian Dawn theme

Issue Readability theme

Metro Redmine (forked)


Progressive theme

Red-Andy theme

Reevo theme

Updated in 2013

Axiom theme

Coffee theme

  • Coffee is a freshly designed soft color palette redmine theme with fixed 1240px width, fixed top menu and nice button styles.

EEA Redmine Theme

East Sussex County Council Redmine theme

Highrise theme

Progressive Gants Mod theme

RedmineCRM theme

Redpenny theme


Xilitra Redmine theme

Updated in 2012

Aurora theme

CM - Red theme

Modula Mojito

Modula Gitlab

AG-2 Theme

Updated before 2012

AdminsQ3 theme

ArchLinux theme

Basecamp theme

  • Basecamp is a Redmine-port of 37signals® Basecamp® theme.
    • Author: _Peter Theill_
    • Latest release: n/a, 2009-07-17
    • Compatible with: Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk
    • Public SCM: n/a
    • Public ITS: n/a
    • Screen shot: Image more here

Basecamp Persian theme

Libernix-redmine-ecoblue theme

Modula Martini

Redjourn theme (this thee is no longer findable online)

Squeejee theme

  • Squeejee is a dark-theme showing Redmine's theme-capabilities.

Watersky theme

Themes included within RedMine core software

Classic theme

Default theme

Alternate theme

Redmine theme list legend

A sample of a complete themelist entry in Redmine syntax (where << and >> are used as a replacement for the square brackets to prevent parsing by Redmine) looks like this:

h3. Default theme

* <<ThemeDefault|Default>> the default Redmine theme (included).
** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_":/users/1
** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-10
** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_
** Public SCM: _
** Public ITS: _
  • Every theme-entry starts with an heading h3
  • This previous heading is followed by a bulleted list item containing a short description of the theme starting with the name of the theme which links to an announcement on the forums or a dedicated wiki-page on
  • After the previous list item we now have several bulleted sub-list items containing:
    • the author of the theme with a link to the profile page if the user is registered at
    • an optional field containing the active maintainer of the theme, with a link to the profile page if the user is registered at, if the theme is mostly maintained by another person than the (initial) author
    • the latest release of the theme plus it's release-date, where the release-date is the date of the latest commit if the theme author does not provide packages or git-tags of releases ánd does not update the theme-version after every commit
    • the Redmine releases which the theme is compatible with (currently the only two values filled-in are 0.8.x and Trunk) ** a link to the public SCM system for the theme (if it exists, otherwise n/a)
    • a link to the (dedicated, so no links to forum-threads on public ITS for the theme (if it exists, otherwise n/a)

Updated by fabrice salvaire over 8 years ago · 398 revisions