

Craig Beaumont

  • Login: psylocke777
  • Registered on: 2009-06-17
  • Last connection: 2009-06-17


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14:23 Redmine Help: RE: Unable to update an issue.
Ah ha!
Excellent, I see that the configuration did not allot a Developer to change the status :)
Nanda, thanks ...
Craig Beaumont
13:33 Redmine Help: RE: Unable to update an issue.
Here is a screen shot of the settings for a 'Project worker'.
Craig Beaumont
13:30 Redmine Help: RE: Unable to update an issue.
Hi Nanda,
I had a look - I am a member of the project in the capacity as a 'Developer Owner'.
But, still I cannot...
Craig Beaumont
11:05 Redmine Help: Unable to update an issue.
Hi there,
I wonder if anyone can assist me?
We have been using RedMine for a while now - and I have been unable t...
Craig Beaumont

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