


Big fonts for project names ... how to make them smaller

Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

Here is what is rendered on the display when deep project hierarchy is created and the projects have long names

What and where could be changed to make the fonts smaller?


Replies (6)

RE: Big fonts for project names ... how to make them smaller - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

That's configured in the CSS, hence in your theme.

RE: Big fonts for project names ... how to make them smaller - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

This is what came to Firefox

<h1><a href="/projects/p2?jump=overview" class="root">P2</a> &#187; &#8230; &#187;
<a href="/projects/repoman?jump=overview" class="ancestor">Repository management</a> &#187;
<a href="/projects/yetanother?jump=overview" class="ancestor">Yet Another Subproject with very long name</a> &#187;
Deep in hierarchy</h1>
The links to the intermediate projects have class "ancestor".

I can change h1 font size in the path_to_redmine\public\stylesheets\application.css, but I don't want to do so. Instead, I want "Deep in hierarchy" link to have class "ancestor" as the links to the intermediate projects. Where can I do this? I searched the whole Redmine installation for the word "ancestor" but didn't find anything meaningful.

RE: Big fonts for project names ... how to make them smaller - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

The project title is generated here: source:/trunk/app/helpers/application_helper.rb#L396

You should probably rather open a feature request to have a class applied to the title of the project you are in though, so every them could decide what to do with it.

RE: Big fonts for project names ... how to make them smaller - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 13 years ago

It is possible truncate in the left the project name and add a tooltip ?

RE: Big fonts for project names ... how to make them smaller - Added by Stephen Porter over 12 years ago

I had the same problem with version 1.3.0 and took a simplistic approach to give you a bit more space in the header to display longer project names:

I changed the application.css file:

h1 {margin:0; padding:0; font-size: 20px:}

Changing the size here will change the size of the currently selected project in the header

#header h1 a.ancestor { font-size: 50%; }

Changing the percentage here will alter the size of project links between the root and the currently selected project.


#header h1 a.root { font-size: 50%; }

Will alter the size of the root project link in the header according to percentage.

Not the best solution I'm sure and comes with no guarantee that it won't adversely affect other parts of the page.

I'm a C and C++ programmer for embedded systems so don't play around with html, css, ruby or java scripts too much....and I'm only just starting out with redmine.

RE: Big fonts for project names ... how to make them smaller - Added by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

Project name in the header has "current-project" class in Redmine 3.3.0 and later. Please see r15256.
