


My issues do not appear following a migration

Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago


Following a redmine migration (2.3.0 --> 4.1.1), my issues are not displayed. However, in the database I can see it. Did I miss something? Can a plugin be the cause?

New environnement :

Redmine version 4.1.1.stable
Ruby version 2.5.5-p157 (2019-03-15) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
Git 2.20.1
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed

Old :

Redmine version 2.3.0.stable.11718
Ruby version 1.9.3 (i486-linux)
Rails version 3.2.13
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
redmine_agile 1.3.3
redmine_graphs 0.1.0
redmine_hours 0.1.0

I will be grateful for your help,

Replies (21)

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago


Someone can help me ?

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

Quentin D. wrote:


Someone can help me ?

Please try without plugins first.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

Actually, I no longer have a plugin on the new machine and the tickets are not visible although they are in the database.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago


Can anyone help me?

No one has ever had this problem?

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

Since the community is not very active or supportive, I close the ticket.

I will switch to another RedMine solution.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

Sorry for not answering you.

It's hard for me to investigate without having a way to debug, but I'll try to help you. Please tell me the following:

1. rake db:migerate ran successfully?
2. The problem reproduces for all of your users? even for admins?
3. Can you post some screenshots from issues and from an issue page (you can use an id from database)?

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

No problem, you must have a lot of demand.

first point :

db:migrate ran goes perfectly

second point :

Yes, the problem is visible to all users including administrators.

third POINT :

My client changed all the redmine passwords, I no longer have access.

However, in base I have all my tickets and issues

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

also, I have a display problem.

Some columns overlap and the display is not great when I should have this :

Any ideas?

I replayed the rights, it didn't change anything

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

Are you using the default theme? It's hard to understand from the screenshot.

What error you receive when you try open an issue?
Did you check the workflow? Can you test with a new role with all permissions set?

Unfortunately, I'm running out of ideas. What ca be useful is to post the logs from the server that are generated when you try to open the issue page. Please check them before to not contain sensitive data.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago


I don't have an error it's just a display problem (CSS). Yes, the problem persists with the default theme.

I checked the permissions and the workflow, still the same problem.

In the logs of my web service, I've no error on redmine.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

I just got the screenshots.

The old server :

The new server :

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago


Now it's only a display/UI issue? I'm asking because initially you reported a problem regarding the access to issues which do not work anymore after the upgrade. This was fixed in the meantime?

Please recap the issues that you experience now just to be sure that we have the same understanding.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

Yes, in the meantime the ticket problem has been solved. I re-run a migration command and this time the tickets appeared, whereas before it didn't want to know anything.

Now, according to my client's feedback (since I don't have access anymore), we only have a display and user interface problem.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

Great, I'm happy to hear that the initial problem is fixed.

For the UI, please try in incognito and/or with a Clear Cache / Hard reload in the browser. Also, please check again for plugins.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

After several tests with different browsers by purging the cache and cookies, the problem persists.

On the new machine, I've no plugin

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Guillermo ML over 3 years ago

Just a guess -> Maybe the upgrade failed to install the css files and is loading the old ones.
You could try to install a new theme: theme list, and see if it helps.

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago


I'll try with another theme,

After that, I'll come back to you

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Quentin D. over 3 years ago

Despite installing another theme, the problem persists.

I've checked the rights and co

RE: My issues do not appear following a migration - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 3 years ago

I think the theme you've installed inherits the original theme. I would try to reinstall the basic theme by downloading the appropriate application.css from the repository and copying it over to public/stylesheets/. I would also check permissions of these files and folders. If it's a missing file from the server one could open the browser console and check if all files are successfully transmitted by the server. There shouldn't be any 404 response.
