


Missing steps in installation guide?

Added by Andreas Bruhn almost 3 years ago


we have some old redmine servers. We now want to install a complete new redmine server.

- Ruby version: ruby 2.7.4p191 (2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23) [x86_64-linux]
- Rails version: Rails 5.2.6
- Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
- Database: MySQL 5.5.56
- Ruby-aware server used: I think Webrick

I tried this installation guide:

I'm at the end of step 2. I have installed MySQL Server and created a database / user.

Now in step 3 I must configure the database connections. But I don't have a "config/database.yml.example" or something similar. I alway thought, to have this I must first install redmine? Am I wrong?

Or should I skip Step 2 and use the redmine-installer from ""?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards

Replies (13)

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Liane Hampe almost 3 years ago

Hi Andreas,

As you can read in step 1 of the installation guide you need to download the Redmine source code. Afterwards you will find the required file for configuration of the database to continue with step 3.

By the way, the redmine installer you mentioned won't setup your database as required in step 2 of the community installation guide.

Best Regards

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Andreas Bruhn almost 3 years ago

Hi Liane,

yes - I've read and done. I downloaded "redmine-4.2.3.tar.gz" to my server and thought, step 1 is done - as I could not see any other required activities.
Should I have extracted the file in a new redmine home directory?

Best regards

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Liane Hampe almost 3 years ago

Hi Andreas,

Yes, please do that. Then you will see the file:


where you can do the settings for your db.

Best Regards

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Andreas Bruhn almost 3 years ago

Hi Liane,

yes, I can see the file now :-). Thank you!

Best Regards

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by C S almost 3 years ago

I have added the note about the necessary unpacking in step 1 of the German instructions, unfortunately I cannot edit the English version

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Liane Hampe almost 3 years ago

Good idea, CS! Unfortunately, I have also no access to the page. But let me see, whether I can find someone of the contributors ...

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Andreas Bruhn almost 3 years ago

C S wrote:

I have added the note about the necessary unpacking in step 1 of the German instructions, unfortunately I cannot edit the English version

Thank you! Can you please give me the link to the german instructions? I can't find it...

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by C S almost 3 years ago

The (partially) translated, German-language wiki can be found here

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Bernhard Rohloff almost 3 years ago

Hi folks,

seems like I have the permissions to change the installation guide.

Here's my suggestion for a better version of step 1:

Download a released package and extract it to an appropriate destination on your system.
As an alternative one can checkout the files directly from the version control system.
Please visit the download page for further information on how to download Redmine.

What do you think?

Best regards,

RE: Missing steps in installation guide? - Added by Bernhard Rohloff almost 3 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I've changed the description of step 1 accordingly.
