



Feature #1158



Added by Adrian Tarau almost 17 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

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I think it will be very useful to have polls in Redmine, you can ask for some feedback using a poll. This way your users can vote if a feature is desired or not, or how should be implemented.

It should be possible to add comments and maybe to have a link between a poll and an issue(and vice-versa). Or it could be an attribute of an issue.

Of course, what would be a poll without charts, so a pie chart with the poll result is necessary.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #2104: module and/or plugin for votingClosed2008-10-28

Related to Redmine - Feature #1011: Add voting to ticketsNew2008-04-07

Related to Redmine - Feature #24946: Issue rating (like button or vote up button)New

Actions #1

Updated by F. D. Castel almost 17 years ago

Duplicate of Feature #1011

Actions #2

Updated by Adrian Tarau almost 17 years ago

Ok, I didn't searched for "vote" only for "poll".

Why I don't have the right to mark my issue a duplicate of another issue?

Actions #3

Updated by Adrian Tarau almost 17 years ago

Actually, after I read again issue #1011 what I'm proposing (a poll) is different from voting.

For example you can ask for something like this : (right-middle, " Polls")

And the result can be displayed like this : (maybe with pie chart)

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

If this were to be implemented, I would recommend that the polls are actually part of creating a forum thread, similar to PhpBB-style.

Actions #5

Updated by Adrian Tarau almost 17 years ago

I think it should be a standalone feature(under a new tab) with the possibility to be linked to an issue or a forum thread.

Actions #6

Updated by F. D. Castel almost 17 years ago


I agree with you that #1011 is a different thing (a poll, as you describe, is different from voting tickets). My fault.

However, this feature would make much more sense into a CMS (or public-oriented site) than a project tracker (more developer/staff-oriented, IMHO).

For Redmine, a voting ticket would be much more scope-related than polls, as your describe.

But, of course, I could be wrong... :)

Why I don't have the right to mark my issue a duplicate of another issue?

P.S.: That's something I want to know, too... :)



Actions #7

Updated by Adrian Tarau almost 17 years ago

I agree, a voting feature should have a higher priority, a poll is not something extremely useful. Thats why I said it should be a standalone feature(compared with voting which is strictly related with an issue).

But sometime it is very useful. For example : you have a specific feature which can be implemented in 3-5 ways. In a large team(even a small one) you could create a poll(attached to the issue) and asking which path to take. More like a review of the implementation model, similar with a code review but not as detailed as a code review.

Instead of starting a meeting, which will take forever because you will start discussing other things, you can ask for opinions.It should be this way or that way, and most of the time you will get the 6th way to do it, which could be better that the first 5(maybe).

And also a poll is a very common feature of every forum, so having polls shared by issues and forums it will be great.

You are not wrong... it is just something that I think it will be useful.

Actions #8

Updated by Adrian Tarau almost 17 years ago

A poll is for an issue similar with a comment but with an unified(direct) feedback and for a forum thread is like a final conclusion of all posts. Based on some poll on a forum thread you can create a new feature but based on some poll on a feature you can decide how it is actually implemented.

Actions #9

Updated by Dipan Mehta about 12 years ago

There are two different plugins that can provide similar functionality:

  1. The wiki-extensions plug-in actually provide a {{vote(key)}} macro which allows you to setup independent Polls on same old wiki pages.
  2. The The issue votes plugin provides the per issue votes; eliminating the need to keep putting +1 comments. unfortunately this plugin is not up-to-date with 2.x redmine

Both are independent having no relations - however, they can make above use cases.

Actions #10

Updated by Yuuki NARA about 8 years ago

I confirmed that the following plug-in is compatible with Redmine3.3

It can vote in issue and Issue List(RightCliek-single issue only)
Issue list can sort order by votes

Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 8 years ago

  • Related to Feature #24946: Issue rating (like button or vote up button) added

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