Feature #11963
closedHide the estimated times on issues for certain roles
we are successfully using Redmine for years. But in a very complex way - hundreds of projects and sub-projects, thousands of tasks, hundreds of users.
At this moment we would like to let some of our customers to enter the Redmine as well - for the classical bug reporting/tracing workflow.
To be able to do that, we need to hide some internal information (particularly all the information which could be misinterpreted by them - like time estimates, spent time records, etc.) from the customers. We spent a few days with trying to create the role for the customer - quite successfully but not completely - that is why I am posting here.
We did the tests on both 1.3x and 2.0.x versions...
Currently, the only thing we need to hide before we let our customers to enter the Redmine is demonstrated by the attached screenshots below:
- The red highlight point out what our customers cannot see and we were not able to get rid of it.
- The second screenshot details the role settings (perhaps you point us to something which we are still missing after all those tests).
Related issues
Updated by Jiří Křivánek over 12 years ago
- File 2012-10-02_09-52-54.png 2012-10-02_09-52-54.png added
I have just realized one more consequence of fixing this problem:
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
- Subject changed from Cannot hide the estimated times on issues to Hide the estimated times on issues for certain roles
Updated by Dominique Lederer almost 12 years ago
i created a plugin that hides "estimated_hours" from most of this views, take a look at https://github.com/return1/redmine_hide_estimated_hours
i would really like to see this in Redmine, because for some stuff i am not able to do this with a plugin, for example to completely hide estimated_hours from the Issues Journal. Also hiding from the Issue PDF via Plugin is not really efficient at the moment.
Updated by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago
Yes it is a duplicate #12005, which allows hiding optionally for every field (except topic and status).
Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Updated by Martin Dubé over 11 years ago
I would also like to be able to hide estimated time.
Since Jean-Philippe Lang stated that proposed changes in #12005 will not get implemented in the near future (http://www.redmine.org/issues/12005#note-62) maybe this one could be reopened. Implementing a new right (or even used the current one allowing to see spent time) would be fine in my opinion.
Updated by Rick Boyer over 11 years ago
This really is a show stopping issue for client access. Redmine is otherwise a great product (with plugins).
Updated by Jeremy Bailey over 11 years ago
Also +1-ing #12005, since that seems more ambitious and will probably take longer to implement.
Updated by Christian S. over 11 years ago
+1 this is needed if you want to give access to your customers, to report issues.
Updated by Richard Gunn almost 11 years ago
+1 I logged a similar request Issue #16095
The issue was set to invalid (i.e. ignored). Without such an enhancement we cannot provide customer access.
Updated by redmineservices . over 10 years ago
I forked the Dominique Lederer's plugin and I added a new permission called hide estimated time. This new permission allow user to see spent time but not the estimated time.
Updated by Carlos Meyer over 6 years ago
I forked the Dominique Lederer's plugin and patch it for version 3.4.4 https://github.com/protos1575/redmine_hide_estimated_hours
Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #3088: Estimated hours field able to hide role based added
Updated by Andrea Valle over 4 years ago
It seems very interesting also: https://github.com/nanego/redmine_customize_core_fields
It works great for me with all core fields.