Feature #1255
Add "Send a Reminder" Feature to issues
Added by Bryan Jung almost 17 years ago.
Updated almost 12 years ago.
여러 작업자가 함께 협업해야 하는 이슈의 효과적인 관리를 위해서 Mantis와 같이 "Send a Reminder" 기능을 추가해주세요.
첨부 이미지 참고
In order to effectively manage issues requiring cooperative work between multiple workers, please add a reminder feature such as "Send a Reminder" function in Mantis.
Please refer to the attached image for better understanding.
What exactly is this supposed to do? The image is not clear what the purpose is. See #1112 for related reminder email when issues come due. Perhaps this solves your problem?
Remember, there's always the possibility to just add a comment to the issue, which will send out an email to anyone associated with the issue.
If I understand correctly, this is to set up the reminder "Now" to the respective authors (or CC list) about specific issues in the list.
Basically, as per current convention, whenever Issue state,note changes - the specific watchers are sent an email by default. Typically a project manager would want the Assignee's (or authors) to "Notify Something" (now) about this issue - not based on an automatic workflow.
BTW: you may treat this as work around, but a very simple thing you can do is follows:
- Go to issues page > Right click to "Bulk Edit" to select issue > and add a simple note " Project manager's reminder" - this of course will update the issue - but mail will go to all concerned!
Of course, there are host of ways, features and plugins to see how multiple watchers can be added to specific issues.
- Related to Feature #8648: Add a reminder button in the issue page added
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