



Feature #1561


Totals for estimated/spent time and numeric custom fields on the issue list

Added by Ewan Makepeace over 16 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


I am constantly juggling tasks to try and assign each developer approximately the correct number of tasks for the months sprint, counting up how many tasks are outstanding for the next release and counting how many man days have been completed by each developer for bonus purposes. In redmine this involves manually adding up the estimated time values for each task in a list, which gets tedious and error prone.
I would like to request a total row on issues lists when estimated time column is shown.
Ideally I would also like a subtotal for each value in the sorted column (typically sorted by assigned to, so a subtotal per developer, but could be anything).
I suspect I am in a minority with this request but as the number of issues at hand increases I really dont need to be squinting at the screen adding up numbers in my head...


timeplan.png (133 KB) timeplan.png Timeplan plugin 0.0.1 Michael Pirogov, 2008-07-08 16:14
time-breakdown.PNG (33.7 KB) time-breakdown.PNG Screen shot for time metrics breakdown Anna Labinskaya, 2008-07-21 19:08
Picture_1.jpg (28.2 KB) Picture_1.jpg Ewan Makepeace, 2008-12-03 03:47
Screenshot_10.jpg (23.2 KB) Screenshot_10.jpg Ewan Makepeace, 2009-01-19 06:42
Screenshot_11.jpg (88.1 KB) Screenshot_11.jpg Ewan Makepeace, 2009-01-19 06:48
totals.png (44.1 KB) totals.png Jean-Philippe Lang, 2015-10-09 11:09

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Patch #2268: Patch to show Total Estimated Time at the bottom of each list of issues.Closed2008-12-03

Related to Redmine - Patch #4776: Totals for Estimated TimeClosed2010-02-09

Related to Redmine - Feature #6571: Totalise numeric columnsClosed2010-10-05

Related to Redmine - Feature #8559: Sum columns in reportsClosed2011-06-07

Related to Redmine - Feature #21413: Totals for custom field with different field formatClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Related to Redmine - Feature #21390: Adjust total values for numeric columns layout to match columnsNew

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #13935: Add cumulative affected time to issue list viewClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #14384: Add column "spent time" on list issuesClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #18263: Group in issue list should provide no. of estimated time vs spent time besides just providing total issuesClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #5311: Sums in the groupped task reportClosed2010-04-14

Actions #1

Updated by Boudewijn van Liempd over 16 years ago


I would also like to see a sum of the estimated time on certain places. I would also like to use it for planning purposes, although in a slightly different way. We do not use redmine solely for software projects but also to plan issues where we know upfront how many hours it is going to take.

It would be nice to have also in the gantt chart, e.g. see the total estimated hours per day (using the starting day to show the number).

Actions #2

Updated by Anna Labinskaya over 16 years ago


We also need an aggregated report on estimated time. Maybe this could be built by extending the report on Spent time? Or as a separate report -- it would be helpful too.

BTW, it would also be useful to see a number of issues not yet estimated. It could be a link to a list of such issues.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Pirogov over 16 years ago

Hi there :-)

I'm working on plugin, which maybe would get your attention.

It's based on timesheet plugin (by E. Devis), but it's AJAX powered and have some more features against estimated time tracking.

The goal is to get a helper for a visual office-planning.

Sorry, I don't have much time on it, so it's not fully translated for now, no gantted and has some lags/bugs/craps and so on...

But you can take a look on a screenshot, I've attached.

Hope, it'll be done ASAP.

Basic feature is a split hours by days. If there's no estimated time specified, then fulltime is counted (6 hours per day ;-) ).

Actions #4

Updated by Anna Labinskaya over 16 years ago

Hi Michael!

Thanks for the screenshot. Looks promising to me.

Actually we are also interested in a breakdown of remaining time (which is a sum of estimates minus spent time for all non-closed tickets) by Category, developer, etc. The % Done bar shown on your screenshot isn't quite an indication (to us) of the remaining time (just with our process we are used to) as the % Done field is set manually rather then gets calculated automatically based on estimated and spent time for an issue.

Understand that it's a question of preferences/selected process -- how to record progress. What's currently implemented in Redmine is recording progress by manually setting the % Done. And the spent time logging/reporting is sort of additional. We in our case are more for updating the estimate field instead -- when we see that the remaining time shown in our planning tool isn't sufficient to complete the task. Just we are used to the XPlanner's model for time metrics :-)

Actions #5

Updated by Eric Davis over 16 years ago

Michael Pirogov wrote:

I'm working on plugin, which maybe would get your attention.

It's based on timesheet plugin (by E. Devis), but it's AJAX powered and have some more features against estimated time tracking.

Micheal, do you have a public code repository for this plugin? I could lend a development hand or two.

Anna Labinskaya wrote:

Actually we are also interested in a breakdown of remaining time (which is a sum of estimates minus spent time for all non-closed tickets) by Category, developer, etc.

I've been wanting to build a plugin that would show estimate progress for a project. It would use progress bars and would "fill up" as time is spent towards an estimate. I think it should also change colors from green to yellow to red as the time spent reaches and surpasses an estimate.

Actions #6

Updated by Anna Labinskaya over 16 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

I've been wanting to build a plugin that would show estimate progress for a project. It would use progress bars and would "fill up" as time is spent towards an estimate. I think it should also change colors from green to yellow to red as the time spent reaches and surpasses an estimate.

Guys, take a look at our version (implemented by Artem Vasiliev, he's going to submit a patch soon today): time-breakdown.PNG

It's an extension to the existing Version (milestone) screen and shows aggregate time metrics in addition to the numbers of issues. Remaining time is Estimated minus Spent for all open issues.

Eric, changing colors would be nice.

Actions #7

Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago

Anna Labinskaya wrote:

Guys, take a look at our version (implemented by Artem Vasiliev, he's going to submit a patch soon today): time-breakdown.PNG

Here it is: #1671
Please take a look :)

Actions #8

Updated by Ewan Makepeace over 16 years ago

We ended up coding a simple total for estimated time of visible issues (see attached). If there is interest will upload as a patch.

Actions #9

Updated by Ewan Makepeace over 16 years ago

Ewan Makepeace wrote:

We ended up coding a simple total for estimated time of visible issues (see attached). If there is interest will upload as a patch.

Actions #10

Updated by Ewan Makepeace over 16 years ago

Patch filed here: #2268

Actions #11

Updated by Ewan Makepeace about 16 years ago

We are now patching the issue summary report to show both issue count and total estimated time. If you look at the attached screenshot you will see how one this appears - it is very useful to quickly see where effort should be focussed, where issue count is less useful.

If others are interested will post this is a patch.

Actions #12

Updated by Ewan Makepeace about 16 years ago

Sorry - wrong screenshot!

Actions #13

Updated by Vladimir Oleynik about 16 years ago

Michael Pirogov wrote:

I'm working on plugin, which maybe would get your attention.

Michael, have you finished that timeplan plugin?
the screen mockup you uploaded is pretty nice, but failed to find any plugin/patch to get such screen. (I don't need it translated).

Actions #14

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago

As mentioned the first time by Tony Marschall in #8559 note-4, there exists a plugin which provides (parts of) this feature (along with some others): Redmine spent time column. It's written by Jan Schulz-Hofen of

I've started working on some improvements to make it better suitable for this issue in my fork of it:

Actions #15

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago

  • Category changed from UI to Issues
  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
  • Target version set to 3.2.0
Actions #16

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago

r14642 makes it possible to display totals for estimated hours, spent hours and any numeric custom field.
Totals that are displayed by default can be configured in the application settings.

Actions #17

Updated by Sebastian Paluch over 9 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

r14642 makes it possible to display totals for estimated hours, spent hours and any numeric custom field.
Totals that are displayed by default can be configured in the application settings.

That is awesome! Will it work also for grouped queries? Will it show totals for each group and for entire query?

Actions #18

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago

Will it show totals for each group

Not implemented yet but it should be done soon.

Actions #19

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago

Totals for groups are now added, including in the PDF export as well. Here is the final result:

There's still an issue with queries grouped by projects because of this:

Actions #20

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from Please provide totals for the estimated time column to Totals for estimated/spent time and numeric custom fields on the issue list
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

There's still an issue with queries grouped by projects because of this:

Workaround applied in r14667.

Actions #21

Updated by Sebastian Paluch over 9 years ago

The feature is very, very useful but after working with it for a while it seems that it would be more practical if total values would show up under right columns instead single summary line. It would be much more readable. I have added #21390 to track it separately.

Actions #22

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago

  • Related to Feature #21413: Totals for custom field with different field format added
Actions #23

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago

  • Related to Feature #21390: Adjust total values for numeric columns layout to match columns added
Actions #24

Updated by Go MAEDA about 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #13935: Add cumulative affected time to issue list view added
Actions #25

Updated by Go MAEDA about 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #14384: Add column "spent time" on list issues added
Actions #26

Updated by Go MAEDA over 8 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #18263: Group in issue list should provide no. of estimated time vs spent time besides just providing total issues added
Actions #27

Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #5311: Sums in the groupped task report added

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