



Feature #1953


Due date calculation based on developer's estimations

Added by Mauricio Miranda almost 16 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Issues planning
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


We have been using FogBugz ( for some time and I think it's a really good (commercial) solution. A few days ago a friend told me about Redmine, I was trying it and I have to say I am in love with it (geek? Nooo...)

We just need one specific functionality we have in FogBugz and it's very important for us. I'll try to explain it:

  • Each version must have a new field: 'Start Date'.
  • Each user (developer) configures on his own account the days and the hours he spends working on the project. We will need some new tables/fields here.
  • When an issue is assigned to the user, he estimates the time in hours. We can use the existing 'Estimated time' field.
  • Based on this data (start date, user time and user estimations) we can calculate (on the fly) the version 'Due Date'.
  • We can calculate the due date for each user and for the whole version. And may be for the whole project too (Is it too much?).
  • If the issue is reassigned, if the user changes the estimation or if somebody changes the start date, then the due date is updated automatically.

This is probably a simple feature but we think it's very useful for the managers or the marketing people involved in the project.

There is another related functionality FogBugz implements and it's really great. It saves logs with the spent time on each issue by the user and it uses these logs to create some kind of 'profile' of the user with his estimations accuracy. This allows us to create a probability sheet with the due date, eg: the due date will be at '10/20/08' with 25% chance and '10/28/08' with 50%, and '11/15/08' with 75%, and '12/31/08' with 99% (100% doesn't exist ever). To create this, we need to know when the user starts or stops to work on each issue. May be we can use the 'start/stop' button asked by Anna Labinskaya or any other way (

This is not so simple but we can build it when we finish the first feature.

Please, let me know your questions or concerns. I can add some mockups and/or screenshots if I was not enough clear.

Thank you!


issue_1953.diff (7.13 KB) issue_1953.diff Patch To Update Due Date When Estimated Hours Is Set David Davis, 2009-12-28 21:51

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #2687: different estimated time units hours<>days per tracker typeNew2009-02-06


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