



Feature #2214


Autocreate repositories

Added by Pau Garcia i Quiles over 16 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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It should be possible to automatically and immediately create repositories for projects. The current method (reposman.rb being run every so often by cron) is far from perfect.

In the project's Settings -> Repository tab there is a 'select' to choose a SCM.

  • When the SCM is chosen (git, svn, bazaar, etc), the "repository_field_tags" method in app/helpers/repositories_helper.rb is called and creates the fields each SCM need.
  • User fills in the location of the repository (which should have been created manually) and clicks "Create"
  • When the SCM is chosen, show two radiobuttons: "Automatically create repository" and "Manually specify repository location" (see attached screenshot)
  • Add a "Default location for repositories" text entry to Administration -> Settings -> Repositories. This would be the directory where repositories are automatically created.
  • If user chooses "Automatically create repository", call reposman.rb and create the repository immediately in the default repository location
  • If user chooses "Manually specify repository location", do what is currently being done: call the "repository_field_tags" method in app/helpers/repositories_helper.rb, creates the fields each SCM needs, the user fills in the repository location.


redmine_autocreate_repos_1.jpeg (29.6 KB) redmine_autocreate_repos_1.jpeg Pau Garcia i Quiles, 2008-11-19 11:08
redmine_autocreate_repos_2.jpeg (34.5 KB) redmine_autocreate_repos_2.jpeg Pau Garcia i Quiles, 2008-11-19 11:08
redmine_autocreate_repos_3.jpeg (45.6 KB) redmine_autocreate_repos_3.jpeg Pau Garcia i Quiles, 2008-11-19 11:08

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #1833: Repository & Project ManagementNew2008-08-29

Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by Adam Knight over 16 years ago

Yes. This. I like. +1

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

See #1833 as well.

Actions #4

Updated by Richard Pecl over 16 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by Oleg Lozinskij almost 16 years ago


Actions #6

Updated by Bruno Prado about 15 years ago

Redmine is configured to create repositories on reposman.rb run if the module Repository is enabled. What I did was: created a shell script containing the whole command to run reposman.rb, and when a new project in Redmine is created, I manually run shell reposman. I suggest that when a project is created in Redmine, it automatically creates its repository (if the module is enabled, as it's done today).

Actions #7

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 15 years ago

  • Category set to SCM
Actions #8

Updated by Pieter Smith about 15 years ago

Also with the ability to specify the SCM type and default location per project. Some of my projects work better with SVN and others with GIT.
I'd be more than willing to contribute if someone gives me the opportunity.

Actions #9

Updated by Stefano Gargiulo over 14 years ago


Actions #10

Updated by Terence Mill over 14 years ago


Actions #11

Updated by Julien CLERC almost 14 years ago

Has someone got the solution ? Currently, what is the best way to do that properly ?

Actions #12

Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 13 years ago

Just came across this issue... I have implemented similar functionality in my plugin:

Actions #13

Updated by Daniel Felix over 12 years ago

This could be useful two for some administrator who don't want to run the repoman every minute or every 15 minutes, but always want to have simple and fast repositories.

Another kind of idea how to implement this:
- Add some checkbox "create repository immediatly"
- If checkbox is selected automatically run repoman in background.

This way, repoman could also be deactivated and could run only if the user wants to create repositories.


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