



Feature #22959


Customize "Related issues" list in version detail

Added by Joel SCHAAL almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

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When we look at the details of a version, there is this Related issues list:

But this is always formatted the same way (Issue ID, Issue subject).
What about being able to select the fields we want displayed, the same way we do for the issue list:

This could be done either per version, per project or per installation.


redmine.png (29.6 KB) redmine.png Joel SCHAAL, 2016-06-01 22:04
redmine2.png (16.5 KB) redmine2.png Joel SCHAAL, 2016-06-01 22:09

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #6501: Be able to choose the details to show in the Roadmap sectionNew2010-09-27

Actions #1

Updated by Haihan Ji almost 9 years ago

I think you can set filter with version in issue list.

Actions #2

Updated by Joel SCHAAL almost 9 years ago

Thanks Haihan Ji for your reply.

That is something we do, but it implies an extra step each time we create a version (setting up a query with the desired result, and put it in the wiki of the version) and more importantly, each time we access a version: in the Roadmap view, you still have the regular list of issues under the version. To see the results like we want, we have to click on that link first.

So I consider this more like a workaround.

Actions #3

Updated by Dipan Mehta almost 9 years ago

If we bring up all functionality that Issue query page has - essentially having a page for version is lost! The version page lists various other details (related to project management aspects etc.) which is why that page is not merely a view that comes from issue query page.

However, I do agree that unlike current simple listing - we must have more meaningful grouping of issues. For example, child issues can be readily shown as tree structure. Similarly, the sorting can be based on issues which preceds others etc.
Similarly grouping can be done based on priorities or various approval statuses or other such attributes. That would really help.

I think it is pointless to recreate the entire functionality of issue query page. Hence I propose that in the project page we should be able to provide a full fledged query type interface under "settings" which will allow the team to customize how project page would look like and it will be like a hidden stored query. Then all version pages (and roadmap pages) can have the neat customized view without having any filters there.

Actions #4

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 9 years ago

  • Related to Feature #6501: Be able to choose the details to show in the Roadmap section added

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