Defect #22977
openA project member has no access and gets no notification, when being a watcher of the issue
Hi, I have an issue, where not other help was effective (public help, wiki, forum).
In Redmine 3.2.2 (Czech localization) I have problem using watchers functionality and notifying them when an issue changes.
We have a non-public project called "Ukoly" and a role called "Zadavatel".
User "milanb" (me) created a task asigned to himself and added a watcher (user "londruj").
User "londruj" is a member of "Ukoly" with a role "Zadavatel" - see screenshot1.png attached.
Role "Zadavatel" has all available Redmine rights - see screenshot2.png.
Notification for the user "londruj" is set.
When the issues changes, the user "londruj" does not get any notification.
When accessing the give issues using a direct link, the user "londruj" gets 403 error.
Related issues
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Duplicate of #21260.
Updated by Milan Brabec over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Reopened
Hi Toshi, I am sorry for reopening this issue, but the problem I have described, is not the same as in #21260. It covers two problems in fact:
1) I am happy, that I can add a user as a watcher, even if such a user is not a member of that project. The problem is, that such a user gets no notification then.
2) Even if I add a user, who IS a member of that project, as a watcher, such a user still can not see the issue and gets no notification either.
Thanks for understanding.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Reopened to Closed
- Resolution changed from Duplicate to Invalid
Please use forum for question.
Updated by Milan Brabec over 8 years ago
- It is not the same problem as in #21260, because I am talking about a user, who IS a member of the project.
- It is much more like patch #16133, which I agree with (The proposed watchers on the new issue form should be able to at least view issues. Otherwise it would not make sense to add them as watchers.)
And I also add here: Even if the watcher IS member of the project!?!
- It might by more like feature #13512, but I would not say it is a feature request, because the feature 'to add a watcher' is already there, but the watcher may not see the watched issue, until having a role permission, which gives him an access to that issue anyway.
- Patch #14318 could be the right solution, but it does not make a sense completely to me to use new role permission for this, as a watcher should watch (read) the issue only not depending on his roles in project.
Thanks for understanding.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Category changed from Issues permissions to Email notifications
- Status changed from Closed to New
- Resolution deleted (
Updated by Wim DePreter over 8 years ago
User "londruj" can only see "Issues created or assigned to user", so being watcher of the issue doesn't give him access (and if user can't access issue, he doesn't get email, so behaviour of Redmine seems OK).
Maybe related to #8488?
See also Go MAEDA's comment in #8488#note-159:
The following is Jean-Phillippe Lang's comment from #7412#note-13:
watchers were designed for notification purpose only. A user who unwatches a private issue would lost access to it. It may be quite confusing for many users.
Updated by Milan Brabec over 8 years ago
Thanks a lot for commenting on that, I am aware of the fact, that watching does not give access to an issue. The problem in our situation is, that the user gets no notification email at all. Moreover, what sense does it make to be a watcher, when you can not watch? :-)
I have also read the #8488 and we will probably try the allow_watchers_and_contributers_access_to_issues_3.2.0
patch as soon as we find out, how to do it properly. Thanks again.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to Patch #16133: Available watchers on new issue form include users who cannot even view issues added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #13512: Add a way to make specific issues visible to a user added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #8488: Create an 'Involve' mechanism to private issues added
Updated by Milan Brabec about 8 years ago
Hi again, I have double-checked this behaviour in version 3.3.1 too. Is it a chance to confirm this issue? Thanks.
Updated by Joaquim Homrighausen about 7 years ago
I still think SEEING the issue and being NOTIFIED on issue updates are two completely separate things. Being able to add the issue creator (via e-mail) as a watcher for him/her to receive notifications that something has changed/happened on the issue that he/she reported is quite vital. Whether or not he/she should be able to see the issue is a separate matter.
Updated by Milan Brabec about 7 years ago
Well, I see the difference between SEE and BE NOTIFIED, no doubt. What is the expected behaviour? To see (might be expected, when the verb WATCH was used), or get notified?
Updated by Lara R almost 7 years ago
Milan Brabec wrote:
Well, I see the difference between SEE and BE NOTIFIED, no doubt. What is the expected behaviour? To see (might be expected, when the verb WATCH was used), or get notified?
Hi Milan,
I am experiencing the same problem with watchers that you reported some time ago. Did you manage to make watchers be able to see the issues?.I found the allow_watchers_and_contributers_access_to_issues_3.2.0 patch but could not be able to install it.
Did you find out how to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Updated by Milan Brabec almost 7 years ago
Hi Lara, I have succeeded with following patch:
Using this one, the watchers have access to watched issues, but certain setup is required after applying the patch.
I have created a new role "Watcher" with some explicit permissions for issues (like view issues, add/edit comments) and used "Issues watched by, created by or assigned to the user" in visibility section.
Updated by Marius BÄ‚LTEANU almost 5 years ago
- Related to Patch #33329: Improve watchers functionality to mark the users that are watching a non visible object and to not return watchers that cannot see the object added