Feature #24946
Issue rating (like button or vote up button)
Added by Konstantin Ladutenko about 8 years ago.
Updated 9 months ago.
With more than 4000 opened issues, Redmine itself should be the first to benefit from this feature is someone can implement it (sorry, Ruby on Rails and Redmine are far from my coding experience, I tried to improve few plugins, it take too long for me).
The idea is simple, add an additional field the "likes" for each issue, every user of dev can vote for the importance of issue\feature request\bug\patch etc. This should help the maintainer to feel the community needs and will help newcomers which issue they can contribute first to have the most useful impact into the project.
One vote per user per issue. Press triangle up to vote. Press it again to unvote. Voted issues has triangles in black. Depending on votes - change the color of the number of votes from gray to black, mark top 10% of opened issues with bold, top 1% with red color of likes number. See the mock below:

BTW, this will also help to avoid senseless comments "+1" in issue comments and activity tab.
I thought that I wanted the Like button before.
I think this ticket is related to following tickets.
- Add voting to tickets: #1011
- Add a voting system to help users help admins identify popular features/defects: #6945
- Polls: #1158
- Related to Feature #6945: Add a voting system to help users help admins identify popular features/defects added
Yuuki NARA wrote:
I count unclosed issues with +1 counts , and listed
Redmine.org tickets vote count list(2019/12/22)
Nice work, but I'm afraid this list gets outdated in no time.
IMO, adding like (or vote) functionality is the best solution to keep the list up-to-date.
And we have already similar functionality in Redmine, namely "watch" objects (issues / news / ...), only meaning is different.
Small list of todos:
- Add "Like"/"UnLike" objects (helpers / controllers, ...), similar to "Watch"/"Unwatch" objects (can also be "News", "Message")
- Permission "like issue" (this way, administrators can de-activate like buttons for all/certain users)
or global setting to activate/deactivate like?
- Issue detail: number of likes (with list of users?) above or below list of watchers
- Issue query: extra (sortable) column with (number of) likes
- My page: Liked issues
- Less "+1" in history of issues
- Up-to-date list of issue-likes
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