Feature #2500
closedconfigure custom fields as "required for status transition"
I would like to be able to configure custom fields as "required" but only for some issue statuses.
For example, in our workflow, we defined a status named "Livré", and a custom field named "Réf dossier livraison", and we would like this field to be filled when changing the ticket status to "Livré" but not before.
Related issues
Updated by Steve Overton over 14 years ago
I believe this would be a major change to Redmine but it would take it to the next level. We are currently using ClearQuest (contractual) and Redmine and one of the few things (that matter to us) that ClearQuest has that Redmine does not is to have required fields per status.
Updated by Torgrim Brochmann about 14 years ago
Required per status for all fields, not just custom fields
Updated by Etienne Massip about 14 years ago
- Category changed from Issues to Issues workflow
Updated by Terence Mill about 14 years ago
This is very essential for use, but we already live this feature by process doc and this isn't very safe. A redmine enforced behavour would be much better.
Updated by Gilles DUGAST about 14 years ago
Very essential feature! I'd like to see it very soon.
Updated by Gurvan Le Dromaguet over 13 years ago
+1 Almost mandatory, key feature to have reliable information when >100 users
Updated by Sébastien Gripon over 13 years ago
Note that in order to get this important feature, we have inserted javascript function that check some fields when changing the status. This is really easy to implement but should be built in redmine.
Updated by Gurvan Le Dromaguet over 13 years ago
Sébastien Gripon wrote:
Note that in order to get this important feature, we have inserted javascript function that check some fields when changing the status. This is really easy to implement but should be built in redmine.
Hi Sébastien,
In case your code is re-usable, any chance to share it with us ?
Updated by Sébastien Gripon over 13 years ago
The code was not really reusable because of many business specific rules. However, I attached a clean dirty version with no warranty! Not tested, with no support! Sorry but time is missing ;o)
Updated by Gurvan Le Dromaguet over 13 years ago
Thanks Sebastien,
I should have time to take a look at it and test it on my generic environment tomorrow.
will come back thereafter :)
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Implemented as part of #703.