



Patch #25019


Localization for Ukrainian language - completed

Added by Anton Oslyak about 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


We fully transferred the file of localization for ukrainian language.


Redmine version 3.3.2.stable.16321

Ask you to include this file to redmine release.


uk.yml (75.8 KB) uk.yml We fully transferred ukrainian localization Anton Oslyak, 2017-02-06 19:37 (35.5 KB) Full files Anton Oslyak, 2017-02-14 00:51
ukrainian_localization.diff (166 KB) ukrainian_localization.diff svn diff Anton Oslyak, 2017-02-14 00:51
ukrainian_localization_without_uk_yml.diff (75.4 KB) ukrainian_localization_without_uk_yml.diff Anton Oslyak, 2017-02-14 13:13
ukrainian_localization_without_uk_yml.patch (75.4 KB) ukrainian_localization_without_uk_yml.patch Anton Oslyak, 2017-02-14 18:49
Actions #1

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 8 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Defect to Patch
  • Category changed from I18n to Translations
Actions #2

Updated by VVD VVD about 8 years ago

Why not ua?…

Actions #3

Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago

VVD VVD wrote:

Why not ua?…

I think 'uk' is right ISO 639-1 code for Ukrainian language.

Actions #4

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 8 years ago

See this issue on rails-i18n which explains uk vs. ua pretty well and see the leading IANA Language Subtag Registry. As such, uk is fine and in line with Rails core.

Anton Gunkin Oslyak: can you provide a patch1 against current trunk for this? That would make the life of the committer much prettier.. And can you also translate:

Ref.: HowTo_translate_Redmine_in_your_own_language.

Thanks for your contribution.

1 see patch and How_to_create_patch_series_on_Mercurial_and_Git for instructions

Actions #5

Updated by Anton Oslyak about 8 years ago


revision: 16333

Translated files:

Actions #6

Updated by Anton Oslyak about 8 years ago

Inside Ukraine everywhere:

  • national domain .ua
  • at car number plates,
  • at the documents,
  • even in currency sign UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia)

Used UA symbols, not UK

But in my international passport.

Country code: UKR

Even Google translator translate UK from English to Ukrainian as Great Britain

So, I think that correct variant is for two chars UA and for three chars UKR

P.S. But I don't think it has really matter.

Actions #7

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 8 years ago

Anton Oslyak wrote:


revision: 16333

It seems something went wrong as your patch is reverting r16206, r16207 and r16208. Probably it is not made against current trunk. Can you please fix this?

Anton Oslyak wrote:

Inside Ukraine everywhere:

  • national domain .ua
  • at car number plates,
  • at the documents,
  • even in currency sign UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia)

Used UA symbols, not UK

But in my international passport.
[Country code: UKR]

Even Google translator translate UK from English to Ukrainian as Great Britain

So, I think that correct variant is for two chars UA and for three chars UKR

P.S. But I don't think it has really matter.

Well, the international passport seems to use ISO 639-2 for the country code. UA is the official ISO 3166-1 country code whereas uk is the official ISO 639-1 language code.

Actions #8

Updated by Anton Oslyak about 8 years ago

Let's break it's in a few steps

First of all I fixed all files exept uk.yml

Please check it

Actions #10

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 8 years ago

Anton Oslyak wrote:

  • File ukrainian_localization_without_uk_yml.diff added
  • File ukrainian_localization_without_uk_yml.patch added

First of all I fixed all files exept uk.yml

Please check it

Done, both (they are actually equal besides the extension) apply cleanly onto current trunk @ r16333. I haven't done (and am unable to do) any substantial review of these patches as I'm not a speaker of the respective language, but they 'structurally' look good.

Actions #11

Updated by Anton Oslyak about 8 years ago

Yes, files was identical besides the extension

Why when

svn co

I don't see my changes???

And last changes in repository

2017-02-12 16:09:07 +0200

Actions #12

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 8 years ago

  • Target version set to 3.4.0
Actions #13

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Committed in trunk r16410, thanks.


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