Feature #26465
openMake the format of issue links configurable
Inspired by #20063-3 I thought that it would be nice to have the option to change the format of issue title displaying when they get rendered as a link. That could be used in the activity view as well or possibly any other location.
In the end what I would like to have is the option to render the tracker combined with the status, so that it gets more human readable. For example:
Unseen feature #123: bla
Open Bug #234: bla
Closed Bug #456: bla
Implemented Feature #567: bla
As you see the status is the first word, the tracker the second. However, I think in other languages the order should be different, so it needs to be made configurable (or it is hard-coded somewhere).
Sure, the status have to be combinable. Also the Tracker must not be a plural word. 'Needs feedback Features' sounds a bit cumbersome, but it's still okay. If it would be configurable you could still achieve something like
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