Feature #2897
openTagging in Redmine
I Want To Implement the tagging functionality in redmine.In One of the posts somebody has mentioned that Tagging can be done by creating a custom field .I want to Implement this tagging functionality in News,Documents,Forums,Wkis etc.If this is the case How can I use the custom fields to implement tagging functionality.
Is there any separate plugin to Implement the tagging functionality.I tried with acts_as_taggable plugin.The Problem is that I could not able to Install the plugin and also in somewhere it has mentioned that Acts_as_taggable does not work with Rails 2.0.I am runing Redmine 8.0 and it uses Rails 2.0.So Please Guide me in this issue
How can I Implement This Tagging Functionality in Redmine
Related issues
Updated by Peter Pan almost 16 years ago
A Tagging system would be a great feature for redmine.
Two tagging versions could be possible:
The user gets a textfield and enters tags (separated by space - linked words are encapsulated in quotes - eg. "tag this string" term2 term3 "term nr 4")
Central tagging handling: The system admin generates a list of tags (similar to the 'user defined fields' - taggroups can be assinged to different pageareas )
The user then gets the opportunity to check a variable number of tags (within an issue or a project or [most imortant] while booking time)
While beeing a good typo3 and JS programmer, my Ruby on Rails skills are pathetic. Therefore I can just offer my help for testing and conceptualization!
Updated by Jens Goldhammer almost 16 years ago
Maybe you can look at the tagging plugin for trac:
It implements a tag cloud of all tags which are entered at the wiki page and tickets...
Updated by karthikeyan rangaswamy almost 16 years ago
I Tried Installing that.But it asks me for Proxy Authentication.Are u using that Tags Plugin of TRAC.if so can u tell me how u installed that one.How the Trac plugin will communicate with redmine
Updated by Jens Goldhammer almost 16 years ago
Sorry for misunderstanding me.
This is a plugin for TRAC, not for Redmine. It can only give you ideas how to implement it.
Updated by Mathew C almost 16 years ago
This is related to #480 - "Wiki: Support categories tagging and autolisting" and the more general issue #1448 - "Add tags to issues".
Personally tagging would be good for the wiki as pages don't always fit into a neat category so being able to add tags is one step better than just relying on the good search facilities in Redmine.
Updated by Steeve McCauley over 14 years ago
I would love to see tagging support added to redmine by default as well. This plugin is available and looks like a good start, although I was unable to install it in our production environment,
Unfortunately that plugin only seems to tag on issues (not documents, files, wiki pages, etc). It seems that the author of this plugin is actively working on it, perhaps he could be convinced to add tagging to the redmine codebase proper.
Updated by Siegfried Vogel over 14 years ago
I'd love to see tagging in Redmine's near future, too!
May I add a requirement here: In my Use Case some tags should be protected from being deleted by users with insufficient rights. It could be solved with something like:
A tag added to an issue by an administrator may not be deleted by a non-admin.
Updated by James Rowe over 14 years ago
Not sure how I missed this when I created my issue, but +1 for sure.
Updated by Aleksey Timohin almost 13 years ago
To have built-in tagging would be awesome!
p.s. About GUI: I like how Tags look like in Redmine contacts plugin
Updated by rm user over 12 years ago
Another feature which MUST BE INCLUDED!!!
I tried installing the plugin from http://github.com/friflaj/redmine_tagging#readme
but unfortunately it breaks other plugins compatability such as show attachments as thumbnails
Updated by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago
works in Redmine 2.x.x
Updated by Paul Dann about 11 years ago
I really think tagging needs to be integrated into Redmine core. In a world where many projects are turned around in a short amount of time, in an increasingly unstructured way, tagging is starting to make more sense than carefully pre-arranged categories and fields. Look at Github, for instance. I think this needs to be merged, and should receive some more focus to integrate it throughout Redmine.
Updated by Alain V. about 11 years ago
+1000 quite important to have this feature!
Multiple and Transverse possibility!
Updated by rm user about 11 years ago
don't think it would be implemented anytime soon .. check the date when it was created ... :(
Updated by Ivan Cenov about 11 years ago
Also, https://github.com/ixti/redmine_tags stagnates -- 19 open issues
Updated by Peter L. almost 11 years ago
Ivan Cenov wrote:
Also, https://github.com/ixti/redmine_tags stagnates -- 19 open issues
Yeah.. Anybody knows a working implementation for the latest redmine version?
Updated by Adam Myers over 10 years ago
This feature is badly needed. Redmine is spectacular - the devs did a bang-up job - but this is a standard issue-tracker feature and its absence is a gaping hole.
Updated by Slawomir CALUCH over 10 years ago
+1 this is needed on larger projects where issue should be added to multiple categories.
Updated by Matthew Seng about 10 years ago
Really hope to have this feature to organize our issues.
Updated by Man K almost 9 years ago
Completely Agree that a tags system is desperately needed in Redmine.
Redmine is indeed a powerful and happy ting to use, tags would make it simply awesome.
I guess, stackoverflow style tagging, issue tracking, and wiki composing would be incredible.
It could make the very process and experience of Redmine usage - Agile, simple and self-intuitive.
I don't know if I am asking too much, but I am sure the superb hacks powering Redmine's evolution, can surely do it.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU almost 9 years ago
Man K wrote:
Completely Agree that a tags system is desperately needed in Redmine.
Redmine is indeed a powerful and happy ting to use, tags would make it simply awesome.
I guess, stackoverflow style tagging, issue tracking, and wiki composing would be incredible.
It could make the very process and experience of Redmine usage - Agile, simple and self-intuitive.
I don't know if I am asking too much, but I am sure the superb hacks powering Redmine's evolution, can surely do it.
Please see my note from #1448#note-106
Updated by Ivan Cenov almost 9 years ago
Man K wrote:
Completely Agree that a tags system is desperately needed in Redmine.
Redmine is indeed a powerful and happy ting to use, tags would make it simply awesome.
I guess, stackoverflow style tagging, issue tracking, and wiki composing would be incredible.
It could make the very process and experience of Redmine usage - Agile, simple and self-intuitive.
I don't know if I am asking too much, but I am sure the superb hacks powering Redmine's evolution, can surely do it.
News and forums can be tagged too…
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
I've proposed 2 patches in #1448, please see comment #1448#note-115