Feature #29041
closedUpdate session token only once per minute
this is simmilar to #28952
if Rails.application.config.redmine_verify_sessions is enabled, basically each read request triggers an update to tokens table. This is bad for performance because it blocks the database.
My patch transforms the update query into a select query that doesn't block on heavy load. We could actually update the token only once per hour which is the minimum available setting for Setting.session_lifetime and Setting.session_timeout, but redmine modifications could use smaller values, so I choose 1 minute interval. Smaller session_timeout then 1 minute won't work now, but I think such small timeout doesn't make much sense.
Related issues
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #28952: Update User#last_login_on only once per minute added
Updated by Pavel Rosický over 6 years ago
- File user.rb.patch user.rb.patch added
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
Pavel Rosický wrote:
ping Marius BALTEANU
Pong. I've missed something?
Updated by Pavel Rosický about 6 years ago
if you have time, could you review? https://www.redmine.org/attachments/20901/user.rb.patch
GET requests shouldn't update a database all the time. It's even more relevant for #29513
disabling Rails.application.config.redmine_verify_sessions isn't an option because it makes Redmine vulnerable
are there any security concerns about this change?
Updated by Go MAEDA about 3 years ago
- File 29041.patch 29041.patch added
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Combined user.rb.patch and sessions_controller_test.rb.patch.
Updated by Holger Just about 3 years ago
I support the approach to reduce write traffic to the database. With this patch, the write contention on the tokens table and the Redmine database in general should be reduced quite a bit.
At first, I though that we would need to check whether we have only one valid token for the maximum
query too. Turns out that there is a unique index on the tokens.value
column in the database. As such, we are guaranteed to have only exactly zero or one token with a given value in the database. As both of these cases are checked by the patch, I think it should be fine and as secure as the previous version.
The slight reduction in accuracy is acceptable as the value is only used for session expiration where the difference of at most one minute is negligible. Enforcing session timeouts of less than one minute is not useful and does not need to be supported as it would effectively reduce the session to be only useful for (more-or-less) a single request.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 3 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 5.0.0
Setting the target version to 5.0.0.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
- Resolution set to Fixed
Committed the patch. Thank you.