



Feature #3071


connect ecm systems to redmine

Added by Jens Goldhammer over 15 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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We want to position Redmine in our company for tracking our projects. We are an ECM company and utilize internally an ECM system ("Use what we sell."). This ECM system contains our project specific documents. At the current state of Redmine it is not possible to integrate these two systems.


The documents section of Redmine can be well integrated with an ecm system by using the upcoming CMIS specification ( CMIS defines how to access documents in an ecm system. CMIS defines two bindings, a REST-like API and a SOAP-API. Alfresco as opensource ECM system provides already a draft implementation (REST-binding) of CMIS, so it can already be used.

I would like to see that Redmine is able to browse through an ecm system, check-in (with comments) and check-out documents, delete documents and publish these information to the activity section, so that everbody in the projects sees if there is an update documents.

By the way, Alfresco Share (,, a product of Alfresco, has a lot of features like Redmine, but is not focused on software projects.

Actions #1

Updated by nicolas bertet about 15 years ago

+1 !

This feature is very very interesting !

Actions #2

Updated by J Cayetano Delgado almost 15 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Guilherme Santos almost 15 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Colan Schwartz almost 15 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by Bryce Nordgren over 14 years ago

Actions #7

Updated by Pedro Gutierrez over 14 years ago

As far as I understand this issue seems to be frozen. The same happens with the related one posted in Alfresco site

Googling around doesn't show any interesting result either.

However, I consider the combination of Redmine with a CMS so interesting for our company that this lack of results is really surprising.

¿Have you found anything recently wrt this topic?

Actions #8

Updated by Blake Sobiloff over 14 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by Caroline Boisson | Altic over 14 years ago

I agree. Redmine is lacking a reel document management system or a content management system that allows versionning, better organisation and better access control.
But there is no point in creating a DMS or a CMS inside Redmine when it is possible to connect it to any of the new CMIS server (Exo Xcmis, alfresco CMIS, Nuxeo CMIS and so on)

Actions #10

Updated by Gilles Cornu about 14 years ago


Approach for CMIS integration seems a good design. I am interested for integration with Alfresco...

Actions #11

Updated by Siegfried Vogel about 14 years ago


Alfresco and Redmine would be a perfect combination!

Actions #12

Updated by Pedro Gutierrez almost 14 years ago

There is a company in Spain who has developed a plugin to integrate Alfresco with Redmine. You can read the post in spanish (only) at however, the screenshots are crystal clear.

The plugin seems to be fully operational and has been developed for a Spanish public administration. Once the project is finished, this administration is supossed to upload the plugin to a public repository%

Actions #13

Updated by Pedro Gutierrez over 13 years ago

You can download the plugin here:

The documentation is in Spanish, however.
Enjoy it!

Pedro Gutierrez wrote:

There is a company in Spain who has developed a plugin to integrate Alfresco with Redmine. You can read the post in spanish (only) at however, the screenshots are crystal clear.

The plugin seems to be fully operational and has been developed for a Spanish public administration. Once the project is finished, this administration is supossed to upload the plugin to a public repository%

Actions #14

Updated by Pedro Gutierrez over 13 years ago

The link to the plugin for Alfresco seems to be broken.
Instead you can try the following:
  1. Visit the repository at
  2. Search for "Redmine" using the "search projects" text box in the upper right corner of the page
  3. In case you don't see the plugin in the results list, narrow your search ticking the "complemento" filter
Actions #15

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

Wow this awesome. Can you translate the blog an make a new entry in the pugin directory in redmine and also attach the screenshots and the repository link.
I would do it myself, but my spanisch is terribe.

Tx a lot!

Actions #16

Updated by Zuinq Studio over 13 years ago


just wanted to let you know we've recently uploaded a new plugin that lets you upload your redmine documents to your favorite CMS via cmis services. You can check it out here.

Hope you find it useful!

Actions #17

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

Can u explain what is the differnce to and

Also this DMSF Plugin was created these days.

Its great to have different approaches, but couldn't we just bring together the best of all plugins.

Advantages and disadvantages of all three plugin can show off what are the best features..

Actions #18

Updated by Zuinq Studio over 13 years ago

As far as I know, and both talk about the same plugin. The main difference between that one and the redmine-cmis plugin, ( is that the first one supports only Alfresco, and the second one supports any Cmis compatible CMS. At last, DMSF plugin seems to persists documents in redmine, as usual, but offering some cool features, such as directory structure, massive upload, ...


Actions #19

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

Pedro Henrique Costa

We tried to install the plugin but we didn't get it work. We don't use jruby but ruby, rake and gems on linux debian.
What do we have todo else than copying the plugins dir to <redmine>/vendor/plugins/alfresco_persistence and "rake db:migrate:plugins RAILS_ENV=production"
The command fails with java wrong or missing java version. We use ruby instead of jruby with apache passenger and not webrick. Do we have to copy libs or execute a script? What does this "IPathLibrerias " parameter is needed to? Can u make a short description in english and explain how this can work with "standard ruby" and standard redmine environment?

Btw. we would provide a german translation/locale and english if needed.

Tx for help and contributing.

Pedro Gutierrez wrote:

The link to the plugin for Alfresco seems to be broken.
Instead you can try the following:
  1. Visit the repository at
  2. Search for "Redmine" using the "search projects" text box in the upper right corner of the page
  3. In case you don't see the plugin in the results list, narrow your search ticking the "complemento" filter
Actions #20

Updated by Pedro Gutierrez over 13 years ago

Terence Hersbach
Sorry Terence, but never did I put my hands in this specific plugin nor installed it.
Simply heard about it and provided the link just in case it was helpful

Actions #21

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

related to #5078

Actions #22

Updated by Jonathan Vargas over 11 years ago


Actions #23

Updated by Florian ROBERT over 9 years ago

+1 I will be very interested if redmine can natively interconnect with systems like alfresco

Actions #24

Updated by Manuel Jesús Recena Soto over 9 years ago


Maybe you are interested in this plugin



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