I have some projects that are still used, but have not been updated for over a year.
The activity window should load last xx items than between specific dates.
In typical SQL this could be built with
select * from
select date, type, url, subject, short_description, author
from issues
where projectid=[xyz] and date < [startdate]
order by date desc
limit 100
select date, type, url, subject, short_description, author
from changesets
where projectid=[xyz] and date < [startdate]
order by date desc
limit 100
order by date desc
limit 100
This query will read 100 last items from two activity types : issues and changesets.
Then, it will merge them, resort them, and display 100 of those.
It is somewhat wastefull (in theory, as each subquery reads more than it needs to), but with semi dead projects this is best visual (as opposed to having user keep pressing previous months just to see something, or anything).
Please forgive me for lack proper table/column names, am away from my redmine installation.
Kind regards