Feature #3718
openSevaral categories for an issue
It could be great to have several categories for each task. We could categorize our tasks in some parallel ways. We use the way in JIRA.
For example, each task could have two categories - which team should work on it, and which part of the project is it. For example: "Ruby, Task List" or "JS, Task List" or "Design, Task List" - all of the tasks are some improvements of a Task List, but the tasks should be done by different teams (Ruby, JS, Design).
So, it could be helpful to have two categories for the tasks, because each team could filter only their tasks. And manager could filter tasks by project parts to see general progress...
Hmm... I think, this specific request would be satisfied using user groups, when the groups will be available =) But several categories maybe helpful for other things.
Related issues
Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
+1 to this request. Adding versatility to the Categories feature is in high demand since it's the only list field that allows users to add new entries as needed.
Allowing multi-select for this could let categories become just like 'tags', letting users select the appropriate tags if they exist, and add new ones if not. To that end, if multi-select is added to categories, it might be best to turn it into a combo box for auto-complete.
Updated by Dipan Mehta almost 12 years ago
Joshua DeClercq wrote:
+1 to this request. Adding versatility to the Categories feature is in high demand since it's the only list field that allows users to add new entries as needed.
Allowing multi-select for this could let categories become just like 'tags', letting users select the appropriate tags if they exist, and add new ones if not. To that end, if multi-select is added to categories, it might be best to turn it into a combo box for auto-complete.
Absolutely! Multiple categories will help significantly.
Updated by Luis Roa over 11 years ago
- File category_form.png category_form.png added
- File issue form.PNG issue form.PNG added
- File issue show.PNG issue show.PNG added
- File issue_categories_configuration.PNG issue_categories_configuration.PNG added
- File 0009-categoria_padre.diff 0009-categoria_padre.diff added
Hello! I worked some changes for this func
view patch file adjunct. (.diff)
adjunct screen too.
first time I program in ruby, I Newbie.
I hope improvements this func.
my Environment:
Redmine version 2.3.1.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (i386-mingw32)
Rails version 3.2.13
sorry for my english.
Updated by Miodrag Milic over 11 years ago
Thanks Luis Roa.
You should create plugin from this. I suggest this to be in the main release since its very useful. My projects are lead by several different departments and each department wants to categorize for itself.
Updated by Peter Drábik about 9 years ago
Don't work for me on redmine 3.0.2, please help. When I use this diff, my think clients crashed on bitnami. Sorry for my bad english
Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #14800: Need Multiple Select in Issues category added
Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #4473: Project, Sub-Project, Category added