Feature #37862
Estimated time remaining issue query column
Added by Jens Krämer over 2 years ago.
Updated 5 months ago.
The attached patch, which was extracted from Planio, adds an issue query column that represents the estimated remaining time to completion, calculated from estimated time and done ratio.
The main use case here is to get a quick estimation of the remaining effort for completion of a group of issues by adding the column in the query totals.
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
- Related to Feature #24277: Introducing Remaining Time field as method to track the remaining time to complete an issue added
For ease of making it into the next major release, I've merged the patch to the latest version of Redmine (v5.1.2).
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Marius BĂLTEANU
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 6.0.0
I've committed this feature for 6.0.0.
This is a nice addition, but I think we should develop more this feature in order to add this info also to issue page and roadmap. On top of this, we should make this behaviour configurable in order to support also the feature from #24277.
Jens, I made some changes in top of your patch in order to add the estimated remaining time info also to version page:

What do you think?
- File deleted (
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Has duplicate Feature #5285: Introduce "Remaining time" column on "Issues list" page added
- Tracker changed from Patch to Feature
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