Feature #3912
openAdd support for AND's and OR's in search
I'd like to make a search list that checks for two different phrases in the subject line. I can't do that currently and have to have two different lists. Add the ability to match on "this OR that" or "this AND that".
Related issues
Updated by jason axelson over 15 years ago
This would be nice, but in my personal opinion, I would rather see a generic text box that had support for advanced queries like this à la Google search.
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
jason axelson wrote:
This would be nice, but in my personal opinion, I would rather see a generic text box that had support for advanced queries like this à la Google search.
Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago
related to #3912
Would like to see wildard search, means prefix (myserachword) search, suffix search (mysearchword), exact match search ("my search term in double quotes, but nothing else") and regular expressions (*. this is my number: /d+)
Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago
Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to Unplanned backlogs