Feature #4221
closedForce passwords to contain specified character classes
I would like to enforce strong password for users in redmine. As if now redmine will accept any four letter password. Is there a way that applicaton checks how strong a password is when a new user register in it.
Can we implement any password generator with redmine?
Related issues
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago
As of r2678, you can specify the minimum password length in settings.
But a minimum password strength setting could be also added (eg. Fair, Strong, Very strong) using kind of password strengh meter.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago
- Category set to Accounts / authentication
Updated by Henrik Ammer over 15 years ago
Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:
But a minimum password strength setting could be also added (eg. Fair, Strong, Very strong) using kind of password strengh meter.
I would love to see this!
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #3872: New user password - better functionality added
Updated by Simon O about 11 years ago
The new feature implemented in 2.4.0+ referring to Feature #3872 includes a secured password generator.
However, if users may change their password at first login, they may pick "aaaaaaaa" which is far away from being secure. Thus, I also recommend to add a kind of password security check as suggested by jim joseph.
Please reopen ticket.
Thanks a lot!
Updated by Aleksandar Pavic about 9 years ago
There are some recent efforts as I can see.
But this should be a core system feature, it is a must for enterprise use.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 8 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #25054: Enforcing Strong Password in Redmine added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #3155: Password policy and secure logon procedure added
Updated by Takenori TAKAKI over 5 years ago
If we can enforce password strength, Redmine will be used in environments where some security policy is required.
I post a patch, as I implemented the following features:
- Enable to setting password strength in admin settings
- Enable to selecting the enforce character types (Uppercase, Lowercase, Digits, Special characters).
- Validation for each enforce character types
Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
I think the validation in enforce-password-char-types.patch should cover all ASCII special characters, such as '(', ')', '+', '-', and '_'. The following code does that.
diff --git a/app/models/setting.rb b/app/models/setting.rb
index b18f8ed89..4171fa04e 100644
--- a/app/models/setting.rb
+++ b/app/models/setting.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@
class Setting < ActiveRecord::Base
+ 'uppercase' => /[A-Z]/,
+ 'lowercase' => /[a-z]/,
+ 'digits' => /[0-9]/,
+ 'special_characters' => /[[:ascii:]&&[:graph:]&&[:^alnum:]]/
+ }
Updated by Takenori TAKAKI over 5 years ago
I change a patch and post it again.
- Changed definition of 'special_characters' to the code proposed by Mr. Maeda
- Changed regular expression in validation of special characters. => Almost all special characters within the ASCII range can be used.
- Shortened constant and label names.
- On password generation, contain special characters only when special characters are required.
- Added display of usable characters such as "Change Password" Form.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 4.1.0
LGTM. Setting the target version to 4.1.0.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
- File setting-required-character-classes-for-passwords@2x.png setting-required-character-classes-for-passwords@2x.png added
This is the screenshot of enforce-password-char-types-v2.patch. Admins can force users to include specified character classes (uppercase, lowercase, digits, or special Characters) in their password. This feature must be welcomed by many admins.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Enforcing Strong Password for Users to Force passwords to contain specified character classes
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
- Resolution set to Fixed
Committed the patch. Thank you for improving Redmine.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 2 years ago
- Related to Defect #37449: Passing a wrong parameter to `with_settings` in UserTest::test_random_password_include_required_characters added