Feature #4687
openAdd copy project permission
With the ability to copy projects, it would be nice to be able to grant permissions to do so. Currently only Redmine administrators can copy projects. If this permission is added a Copy project link could be added on the Overview tab next to the Add subject link.
Related issues
Updated by Kyle Corupe about 15 years ago
I 2nd this, this feature would be very nice to have. If someone has permission to be able to create a project they should be able to copy one.
Updated by Harwant Pannu about 15 years ago
In my version (0.8.4.stable.2777), only administrators can create new projects. If the latest version allows permission grant to non-Administrators for creating new projects then the request makes sense. I will suggest the following logic to allow project copy to an individual:
if (user is allowed to create new a projects) AND (user is a manager or something equivalent for this project) then user can copy this project
This will ensure that both ends are covered, sufficient permissions to the project to copy and permissions to create a new project.
Updated by Enderson Maia almost 15 years ago
Harwant Pannu wrote:
In my version (0.8.4.stable.2777), only administrators can create new projects. If the latest version allows permission grant to non-Administrators for creating new projects then the request makes sense. I will suggest the following logic to allow project copy to an individual:
if (user is allowed to create new a projects) AND (user is a manager or something equivalent for this project) then user can copy this project
This will ensure that both ends are covered, sufficient permissions to the project to copy and permissions to create a new project.
I think both permission could exist, create and copy.
In my case I have a role that can only create sub-projects, and he has this role on a "TOP Project", now I'm using some projects like templates, and I need a role that can only instantiate this template projects, if I give him a role on this template projects with the copy_project permission, he's able to create new projects just from copies.
Did I make myself clear ?
Updated by Pedro Gutierrez almost 15 years ago
We are creating template projects, but it won't be useful if people can't copy them to create their own projects. As it is now they always have to ask an administrator to create a copy.
An additional permission for copying would be great.
Updated by Matthew Houston over 11 years ago
I know this is an old ticket but there hasn't been any movement. Any chance of this?
Updated by Thibaut Comte over 10 years ago
Is there any updates on this feature?
Updated by Sebastian Paluch almost 10 years ago
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 10 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #17961: permissions for copy project added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 10 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #13373: copy a (sub-)project as "non-admin" user added
Updated by Stefan Mischke over 9 years ago
Having to start every new project from scratch to me seems quite unagile...
Updated by Maximilian Hackenschmied over 8 years ago
Would really save us some time as it removes a bottleneck! Thanks in advance!
Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 8 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #7118: Possibility to allow users to copy a project added
Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 8 years ago
- Related to Patch #25154: Allow non-administrator users to copy certain projects added
Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA about 5 years ago
- File diff.patch diff.patch added
I have attached the patch.
Users with copy_project permission can copy from projects/show.
Even if you do not have view_issues permission of the copy source project, you can copy issues from the source project if you have copy_project permission.
If you change the copied project to public at that time, you will be able to see issues that you would not have permission to see.
That is, the copy_project permission includes various permissions such as view_issues, view_messages, and view_wiki.
I think it is necessary to discuss whether there is a problem with the copy_project authority as the authority design policy.
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 5 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Markus Gerhold almost 5 years ago
- File project_copy.patch project_copy.patch added
I've attached a patch, similar to the one above, where the user is allowed to copy projects if he has add_project permission. If one is allowed to create projects he should also be able to copy projects. The current user is also added as default member to the copied project, just like when creating a project.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
Markus Gerhold wrote:
If one is allowed to create projects he should also be able to copy projects. The current user is also added as default member to the copied project, just like when creating a project.
I think it would be a security issue if users who have "Create project" permission are allowed to copy a project. This is because the user who has copied a project can have more permissions if "Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project" (Administration > Settings > Projects) is set.
Depending on the settings, users who copy a project will be able to see information in the destination that they are not allowed to see in the source project.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
- File 4687-v2.patch 4687-v2.patch added
Updated the patch for the latest trunk (r20739).
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
I found an issue in the patch.
When a user attempts to copy a parent project, a validation error "Subproject of is invalid" is shown if the user does not have "Copy project" permission for subprojects.
I think the "Copy" button for the project should not be shown if the user does not have "Copy project" permission for subprojects.
"Delete project" permission (#33945) behaves like that. If you don't have permission for subprojects, "Delete" button does not appear on the parent.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 3 years ago
Go MAEDA wrote:
I found an issue in the patch.
When a user attempts to copy a parent project, a validation error "Subproject of is invalid" is shown if the user does not have "Copy project" permission for subprojects.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Apply 4687-v2.patch
2. Load fixtures by running bin/rails db:fixtures:load
3. Grant "Copy project" privilege to Developer role
4. Sign in with the user "dlopper" (password: "foo")
5. Try to copy the project "eCookbook". You will see "Subproject of is invalid" error
Updated by Markus Boremski about 3 years ago
Will there be a day when this kind of basic feature is implemented? ;)
There are a lot of patches out there regarding this..
On every update we have to fiddle out which one works..
Thanks alot..
Updated by Markus Boremski almost 3 years ago
Can anyone please adress this for V5.0 please?
Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA almost 3 years ago
- File 4687-v3.patch 4687-v3.patch added
- File permissions.png permissions.png added
Go MAEDA wrote:
Go MAEDA wrote:
I found an issue in the patch.
When a user attempts to copy a parent project, a validation error "Subproject of is invalid" is shown if the user does not have "Copy project" permission for subprojects.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Apply 4687-v2.patch
2. Load fixtures by runningbin/rails db:fixtures:load
3. Grant "Copy project" privilege to Developer role
4. Sign in with the user "dlopper" (password: "foo")
5. Try to copy the project "eCookbook". You will see "Subproject of is invalid" error
I have attach a patch that resolves this probrem.
The copy_project permission cannot be enabled unless one of the :add_project or :add_subprojects permissions is enabled.
This patch is under development, so applying it to the production environment is risky.
Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA almost 3 years ago
- File 4687-v4.patch 4687-v4.patch added
Fix a problem with the disabled attribute of checkboxes.
Updated by Markus Boremski about 2 years ago
- File 4687-v4-for_v4.2.9.patch 4687-v4-for_v4.2.9.patch added
Unfortunately 4687-v4.patch only applies to redmine 5.0.x
I made some changes to make it work on latest 4.2.9.
I also added a German translation.
Updated by C Glass over 1 year ago
4687-v4.patch does not work for Redmine 5.1
Please help to update.
Updated by Nat D about 1 year ago
Updated by Markus Boremski 6 months ago
- File 4687-v4_for_v5.1.3.patch 4687-v4_for_v5.1.3.patch added
I managed to fix the patch to work for redmine 5.1.3.
Also added a german translation.
Unfortunately the Button for Copy does not show up in context-menue.
I fiddled aroud a bit with 'app/views/context_menus/projects.html.erb' and 'app/views/projects/show.html.erb' but could not figure out how to fix.
But if the user (withthe permission to copy) calls /copy one can copy the projekt.
Can someone improve this?
Can we please add this feature to main?