Feature #6833
openSpent time in a configurable unit
Added by Damien Couderc over 14 years ago. Updated 7 months ago.
All the projects I've done professionally were estimated in days and it's still true for my current tasks.
A good improvement to Redmine would be to be able to choose the unit of time.
In the forum thread Time tracking in days instead of hours and calculate "% d..., someone proposed to add a unit of time to the value which could be a solution.
But this could imply that every user should set what hours mean a day and how many days are in a week.
Anyone interested ?
update2_2.JPG (34 KB) update2_2.JPG | Tieu-Philippe Khim, 2011-07-21 13:15 | ||
config.JPG (33.9 KB) config.JPG | Tieu-Philippe Khim, 2011-07-21 13:15 | ||
issue_details.JPG (33.9 KB) issue_details.JPG | Tieu-Philippe Khim, 2011-07-21 13:15 | ||
update1_1.JPG (19.3 KB) update1_1.JPG | Tieu-Philippe Khim, 2011-07-21 13:15 | ||
update1_2.JPG (35 KB) update1_2.JPG | Tieu-Philippe Khim, 2011-07-21 13:15 | ||
update2_1.JPG (17.9 KB) update2_1.JPG | Tieu-Philippe Khim, 2011-07-21 13:15 | ||
ScreenShot002.png (29.9 KB) ScreenShot002.png | Mseuda Adeusm, 2011-10-05 20:59 |
Related issues
Updated by Holger Just over 14 years ago
You are invited to build a patch and we will review it in here.
Updated by Damien Couderc over 14 years ago
Thank you for the invitation but if I had the time and the knowledge to do it, the patch would already be attached to the issue :)
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim almost 14 years ago
I start to make it!
What i've done is that you can put the estimated time on :
- Day (d)
- Week (w)
- Month (m)
- Year (y)
By typing 1d => 1*hours_in_day (the char at the end is the unit)
3w => (3*days_in_week)*hours_in_day
I just calculate the number of hour in function of the unit. And overload the view for more flexibility.
The char for time unit will be customize for the differents context.
Right now i try to modify the time tracker to support the char unit.
I'll send a patch soon when that will be good.
ps : sorry for my poor english
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
- File update2_2.JPG update2_2.JPG added
- File config.JPG config.JPG added
- File issue_details.JPG issue_details.JPG added
- File update1_1.JPG update1_1.JPG added
- File update1_2.JPG update1_2.JPG added
- File update2_1.JPG update2_1.JPG added
My plugin will be ready.
I put some screenshots to have an idea of what that looks like.
configuration screen:
issue detail:
Update 1:
Update 2:
Updated by Jérôme BATAILLE over 13 years ago
Is your plugin finished ? we could be interrested to test it.
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
Of course! I'm gonna to store my plugin on github.
I have to improve the plugin, because the scope of my plugin is global and not per project.
By all the way, tomorrow i'll send the uri
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
Here the link of my plugin : https://github.com/spike008t/redmine_advanced_issues/
But, that just the first version and not optimized.
I have to improve the plugin.
Updated by Mike Dubman over 13 years ago
tried it, after installation, when trying to enter into any issue getting error, here is a log:
Processing IssuesController#show (for at 2011-08-31 14:45:32) [GET] Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"12", "controller"=>"issues"} Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering issues/show.rhtml ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `miss_time?' for #<Issue:0x2ab263259280>) on line #3 of vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml: 1: <%= render :partial => 'action_menu' %> 2: 3: <h2><%= issue_heading(@issue) %> <%= " - Attention il y a un risque!" if @issue.has_risk? %></h2> 4: 5: <div class="<%= @issue.css_classes %> details"> 6: <%= avatar(@issue.author, :size => "50") %> vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:3:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47show46rhtml' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:121:in `show' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:120:in `show' config/initializers/mongrel_cluster_with_rails_211_fix.rb:62:in `dispatch_cgi' Rendering /scrap/redmine-1.2.0-0/apps/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error) Processing IssuesController#show (for at 2011-08-31 14:45:39) [GET] Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"12", "controller"=>"issues"} Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering issues/show.rhtml ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `miss_time?' for #<Issue:0x2adce2c4ed40>) on line #3 of vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml: 1: <%= render :partial => 'action_menu' %> 2: 3: <h2><%= issue_heading(@issue) %> <%= " - Attention il y a un risque!" if @issue.has_risk? %></h2> 4: 5: <div class="<%= @issue.css_classes %> details"> 6: <%= avatar(@issue.author, :size => "50") %> vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:3:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47show46rhtml'
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
I have update the repository, could you try?
Updated by Mike Dubman over 13 years ago
Philippe Khim wrote:
I have update the repository, could you try?
Fails, when clicking on any issue id. Is there any special install instructions?
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `miss_time?' for #<Issue:0x2b0665c5ffd0>) on line #3 of vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml: 1: <%= render :partial => 'action_menu' %> 2: 3: <h2><%= issue_heading(@issue) %> <%= " - Attention il y a un risque!" if @issue.has_risk? %></h2> 4: 5: <div class="<%= @issue.css_classes %> details"> 6: <%= avatar(@issue.author, :size => "50") %> vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:3:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47show46rhtml' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:121:in `show' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:120:in `show' config/initializers/mongrel_cluster_with_rails_211_fix.rb:62:in `dispatch_cgi' Rendering /scrap/redmine-1.2.0-0/apps/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error) Processing IssuesController#show (for at 2011-09-18 09:11:39) [GET] Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"11", "controller"=>"issues"} Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering issues/show.rhtml ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `miss_time?' for #<Issue:0x2aca0ab50eb0>) on line #3 of vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml: 1: <%= render :partial => 'action_menu' %> 2: 3: <h2><%= issue_heading(@issue) %> <%= " - Attention il y a un risque!" if @issue.has_risk? %></h2> 4: 5: <div class="<%= @issue.css_classes %> details"> 6: <%= avatar(@issue.author, :size => "50") %> vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:3:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47show46rhtml' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:121:in `show' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:120:in `show' config/initializers/mongrel_cluster_with_rails_211_fix.rb:62:in `dispatch_cgi'
Updated by Stéphane Carré over 13 years ago
For my point of view this plugin is the main lack of Redmine to have a professional project management (coupled with redmine_better_gantt_chart it can be one of the best). But I have the same problem like Mike Dubman when clicking on any issue id.
What I can see is that 'miss_time' comes from your 'issue_patch.rb' at line 39 :
38 def has_risk?
39 (spent_time_over_estimated? || miss_time? || behind_schedule?) && !closed?
40 end #has_risk
Where do you use it from (do you have other plugins you are depending on ? en français : n'as tu pas des dépendances avec d'autres plugins ?)
Updated by Stéphane Carré over 13 years ago
you will have same problem with method "behind_schedule" not defined
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
So, I'm gonna to fix the differents missing methods, i forget that I've added some methods but directly into the issue model.
I'll send a message when everything is done (I mean i'm gonna write some tests et try it on a fresh install from scratch).
Stay on touch :)
En français : Alors j'ai oublié des methods que j'ai directement écrit dans le code source de redmine... Je vais les rajouter dans le patch, écrire des tests
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
I just push the source code. I think that should work, I'll add some stufs
Updated by Mike Dubman over 13 years ago
now no error, but - when trying to update any issue - getting this error in the browser:
Log time is invalid Activity can't be blank Start time can't be empty Hours must be grater than 0 End time must be bigger than Start hour
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
So, I've push on github some modification, right now I think that should work.
Could you try again?
In fact, the problem is on log time, I return 0 but that nil the good value!
Updated by Stéphane Carré over 13 years ago
Yes, your update on github corrects the update issue bug
Updated by Stéphane Carré over 13 years ago
There's an other bug about "Time spent" in the "Log time" form. The field is flaged with unit comment "days by default" but the input value is taken into account as hours.
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
Thank you for the reply about this bug.
I'm looking for that, and I'll notice you when that will fixed
Updated by Mseuda Adeusm over 13 years ago
- File ScreenShot002.png ScreenShot002.png added
- Assignee set to Damien Couderc
Hi, I've configured the unit of time at "day" but if i use the "Log Time" in the "Update" fonction of an issue, Redmine stay in "hours". It's good, if i use the "Log Time" near the "update" fonction.
I've join a picture, my English is poor.
Updated by Toni Smillie over 13 years ago
I have the same problem as Mseuda.
I've set the default to operate in days but when I click on update to update an issue and got to the Time Spent box which says days by default and enter time - it assumes the number I have entered is in hours. I did try and give it 2.0d using the d qualifier to signify days - but it didn't like that.
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim over 13 years ago
Oh! I'm going to look at it and fix that on github!
I'll let you know when that will be ready!
Updated by Tieu-Philippe Khim about 13 years ago
Sorry for the long time to update, I haven't got the time with my job...
I have done some change, and right now, that should work!
Updated by Alex Suprunevich about 13 years ago
After installation, when trying to enter into any issue getting error, here is a log:
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `issue_heading' for #<ActionView::Base:0x7fd4e6e13198>) on line #7 of vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:
5: <%= render :partial => 'action_menu' >
7: <h2><= l(:label_warning_risk) if @issue.has_risk? > <= issue_heading(@issue) ></h2>
9: <div class="<= @issue.css_classes > details">
10: <= avatar(@issue.author, :size => "50") %>vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:7:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47show46rhtml'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:117:in `show'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:116:in `show'
public/dispatch.fcgi:24Rendering /home/r3si/www_testtracker/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)
I have Redmine 1.1.1.stable.
Could you help me?
Updated by Daniel Schwinger almost 13 years ago
(Same Post here https://github.com/spike008t/redmine_advanced_issues/issues/7)
On Redmine 1.4.0 ---
We become error (when we press "new ticket" - or then we open an ticket from the ticketlist)
ActionView::TemplateError (uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::CompiledTemplates::TabularFormBuilder) on line #1 of vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/_attributes.rhtml:
1: <% fields_for :issue, @issue, :builder => TabularFormBuilder do |f| >
3: <div class="splitcontentleft">
4: < if @issue.new_record? || @allowed_statuses.any? %>
vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/_attributes.rhtml:1:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47_attributes46rhtml_locals_attributes_object'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:941:in `labelled_fields_for'
vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/_edit.rhtml:15:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47_edit46rhtml_locals_edit_object'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:927:in `labelled_tabular_form_for'
vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/_edit.rhtml:1:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47_edit46rhtml_locals_edit_object'
vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:119:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47show46rhtml'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:118:in `show'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:115:in `show'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:80:in `pre_process'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:78:in `catch'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:78:in `pre_process'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:53:in `process'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:38:in `receive_data'
eventmachine (0.12.10) lib/eventmachine.rb:256:in `run_machine'
eventmachine (0.12.10) lib/eventmachine.rb:256:in `run'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/backends/base.rb:61:in `start'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/server.rb:159:in `start'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/controllers/controller.rb:86:in `start'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/runner.rb:185:in `send'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/runner.rb:185:in `run_command'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/runner.rb:151:in `run!'
thin (1.3.1) bin/thin:6
c:/webserver/ruby/bin/thin:19:in `load'
Rendering C:/webserver/Redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)
we insert tabular_form_builder.rb to ...\Redmine\lib\
from here: http://svn.ohwr.org/ohr-support/trunk/lib/tabular_form_builder.rb
(see http://redminecrm.com/issues/905 or https://github.com/ericpaulbishop/redmine_git_hosting/issues/135)
==> and now "New Ticket" works and we become new Error when we open a ticket from the ticket list.
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `preview_issue_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0x875b788>) on line #53 of vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/_edit.rhtml:
50: <%= f.hidden_field :lock_version >
51: <= submit_tag l(:button_submit) >
52: <= link_to_remote l(:label_preview),
53: { :url => preview_issue_path(:project_id => @project, :id => @issue),
54: :method => 'post',
55: :update => 'preview',
56: :with => 'Form.serialize("issue-form")',
vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/_edit.rhtml:53:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47_edit46rhtml_locals_edit_object'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:927:in `labelled_tabular_form_for'
vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/_edit.rhtml:1:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47_edit46rhtml_locals_edit_object'
vendor/plugins/redmine_advanced_issues/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:119:in `_run_rhtml_vendor47plugins47redmine_advanced_issues47app47views47issues47show46rhtml'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:118:in `show'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:115:in `show'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:80:in `pre_process'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:78:in `catch'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:78:in `pre_process'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:53:in `process'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:38:in `receive_data'
eventmachine (0.12.10) lib/eventmachine.rb:256:in `run_machine'
eventmachine (0.12.10) lib/eventmachine.rb:256:in `run'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/backends/base.rb:61:in `start'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/server.rb:159:in `start'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/controllers/controller.rb:86:in `start'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/runner.rb:185:in `send'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/runner.rb:185:in `run_command'
thin (1.3.1) lib/thin/runner.rb:151:in `run!'
thin (1.3.1) bin/thin:6
c:/webserver/ruby/bin/thin:19:in `load'
Rendering C:/webserver/Redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)
What can we do ?
Updated by Damien Couderc over 12 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Damien Couderc)
Removed incorrect assignment.
Updated by Anthony HERBÉ over 12 years ago
In release 2.1.2 of Redmine, after fix "link_to_remote" method calls to "link_to" ones, the plugin load but, like some others plugins, "Missing template, responding with 404" error messages shows when accessing plugin configure page.
Do you have any idea to patch or fix it qeekly ?
Started GET "/settings/plugin/redmine_advanced_issues" for at 2012-10- 18 19:19:27 +0200 Processing by SettingsController#plugin as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"redmine_advanced_issues"} Current user: a-herbe (id=3) Rendered plugins/redmine_banner/app/views/settings/plugin.html.erb within layouts/admin (0.0ms) Missing template, responding with 404 Rendered common/error.html.erb within layouts/base (0.0ms) Rendered plugins/redmine_banner/app/views/banner/_project_body_bottom.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered plugins/redmine_banner/app/views/banner/_body_bottom.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered plugins/redmine_banner/app/views/banner/_after_top_menu.html.erb (0.0ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 125ms (Views: 125.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
Thanks in advance and great job.
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 10 years ago
- Related to Patch #5007: Time spent displayed in human readable format (hours minutes) added
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #877: ability to vary the units used to track time added
Updated by Alexis Dubedout 7 months ago
Can someone update this perfect plugin please ????