Feature #7402
openREST API - Enumerations
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it would be great to have access to all enumerations via the REST API. Right now, at least from what I understood, I would have to get all issues and then hope that all Statuses/Resolutions are in there.
Related issues
Updated by Bevan Rudge over 13 years ago
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
As #7180, REST-blocking for instances which don't set a default Priority, etc.
Updated by The Anchialos almost 13 years ago
We need this feature for RedmineNB (NetBeans Plugin for integration with Redmine).
Updated by Robert Zieschang about 12 years ago
What's the status?
Candidate for Majorrelease 3?