Feature #9184
openInline issue editing within list view/custom query
It would be very helpful to be able to edit issues directly within the issue list view.
For example, if the Priority column is included in the issue list/custom query, as user could directly edit the priority of a particular issue, perhaps by double-clicking on the priority of that issue and being presented with an, inline, drop-down.
This would allow for quickly updating various aspects of several issues, without having to "go into" each - which can be quite painstaking process and a confusing one if several people are involved/watching at once.
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
Did you know there is a right-click contextual menu on issue list (and also in issue's subtasks and related issues lists)?
Updated by James Robertson over 13 years ago
Yes, thanks Etienne. Although I usually use it for bulk editing and hadn't thought about it for quick-edits on individual tickets.
Can you edit custom fields from the context menu though? If not, perhaps that should be a separate feature request, which might satisfy this one.
The other thing I like about inline editing is that it's better for when you're working with several people looking at the screen, because it's easy for them to see what is happening.
Updated by Waleed Anbar almost 13 years ago
+1 for this feature. One of my most used features in Rally. Regarding editing custom fields from the context menu - it seems like this wouldn't work for most fields except List type.
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 10 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #18564: Quick edit fields (for example estimate hours) in issue list added
Updated by Steven Prutzman almost 10 years ago
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #8016: Drag-and-drop issue (ticket) ordering added
Updated by Anders Wilson almost 10 years ago
+1, would be very useful for editing a quick comment per ticket while in lits view, means less going to individual tickets/tabs (which is annoying in big web meetings with delays).
Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #26154: Quickly created new issues added
Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #29181: Edit fields in the grid added
Updated by Ribald Drobens over 4 years ago
+1, especially for usability in general project management (no extra clicks / browser tabs upon editing custom fields).
Updated by Michael Stanek over 2 years ago
We just released a plugin that enables users to edit issues directly from the issue list. On top of that, it adds priority colors, issue search, avatars and a lot more. Check the RedmineX Inline Edit Issue List
Michael from https://www.redmine-x.com