


Plugins Directory » Subscription

Author: Andriy Lesyuk
Code repository:
Registered on: 2014-06-20 (about 10 years ago)
Current version: 0.0.1
Compatible with: Redmine 2.5.x, 1.4.x
User ratings:   (1)

This plugin provides a quick and easy way to subscribe to project notifications using a form on the project sidebar. For anonymous users the plugin suggests to register first.

The difference between subscribing and watching is that the former allows to be notified about new objects, while the latter allows to follow updates of existing objects.

In particular, the plugin can notify users (of any role) about the following events:

  • A news was posted.
  • A project version was closed.
  • A file was uploaded (under the Files tab of the project).
  • A new issue was reported.
  • An issue was closed.
  • A new Wiki page was added.
  • A new commit was pushed to the project repository.
  • A new forum board was added.

Installation notes

  • Copy the subscription directory of the plugin into #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins
  • Run the database migration using the command: rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
  • Restart Redmine


0.0.1 (2014-06-21)

Compatible with Redmine 2.5.x, 1.4.x.

User ratings

  by Roy T.Burns almost 10 years ago
