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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1152)


PlantUML Redmine plugin

This plugin will allow adding "PlantUML": diagrams into Redmine.


  • Java
  • PlantUML binary


  • create a shell script in /usr/bin/plantuml


By Michael Skrynski


Plugin for printing issue description

This is simple plugin designed to print an issue (currently only the description) using your HTML template. You can change the template on plugin settings page.

Also You can enable/disable this plugin for project and concrete trackers.

By Paul Tacid


Plugin views revisions

Redmine plugin views revisions plugin

This plugin tries to solve problem that is caused by inability to monkey-patch views in the Redmine.

Because of that authors of plugins are unable to maintain different sets of .erb files in their plugins...

By Vitaly Klimov


Plus Gantt

Plugin for Redmine wich render a project gantt, adding a control date in order to visualize the expected ratio. Also calculate automatically issue due date.


In order to see the plugin features, projets and issues must have a star...

By Lucio Ferrero


Postgresql Full Text Search

This plugin changes the default Redmine search to use PostgreSQL full text indices.

Search results will be sorted by relevance instead of modification date, hits in titles / names will generally score higher than hits in desciption / body text. Term...

By Jens Krämer


Posting issues helper API plugin

This plugin adds some REST APIs to post issues for "fulmo". "fulmo" is a add-on for Firefox/Chrome, which posts a issue with an annotated screenshot.

See and

Browser add-on/e...

By Jun Omae


Pretty News URLs

The Pretty News URLs Plugin automatically generates slugs for pretty URLs when News items are created or edited. The migration takes care of generating slugs for pre-existing items.

By John Miller


Preview attach column/image gallery

Redmine preview attach column & tooltips issues description

  • Adds extra column to the Issues list view which shows several issue attributes availability and displays attached images in a lightbox manner. Also plugin adds links to the lightbox g...

By Vitaly Klimov


Primetric - Resource and Finance Management Platform

Primetric is a stand-alone resource, project, and finance management platform dedicated to IT business services. It allows to plan, track and forecast developers' availability and projects' profitability.

Thanks to the integration with Redmine you c...

By Arkadiusz Terpiłowski


Priorities Due Date

This Redmine plugin changes the due date automatically when user changes priority of an issue at the issue edit dialog.

By Senya Senya

