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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1162)

Author notification emails

This plugin change default behaviour of emails notifications.

The main features are:
  • Change From email header to current log in user email address
  • Add Sender email header to
  • Add Reply-to email header to

By Dariusz Kowalski


Auto assigned user

If an user forget to assign the issue, this plugin will auto-assign to the project manager.

By Ludovic Gasc


Auto Deputy

This plugin allows to define a deputy per project and timerange.
This allows that tickets are newer assigned to absence peoples.

By Konrad Mattheis


Auto Identifier

Automatically fills in the project identifier field with the safe project name.
Will use the parent project as a prefix if it exists.

Note (Nov. 2013)

This plugin was originally developed by "Wade Womersley":

By Wade Womersley


Auto lock user

Locks specified users on a selected date.

By Systango Ltd


Auto Populate Project Fields

This plugin will automatically populate the custom fields list of a new project based on your selected trackers' default fields.

By Emre Akkas


Auto User Activation

Redmine plugin that adds the ability to auto enable new users, the first time they are added as member of a project.

  • Not yet activated users are available in add Members to Project popup.
    A notice message is added when user(s) have been act...



Auto Watchers From Groups

Add functionality to automatic add all members of group when issue(s) assigned to this group

Groups affected this automatic watching should be specified on plugin settings page

By Alexander Kuznecov



Automatically sets a wiki page's parent page based on its name.

For example:
  • HowTo>ManageYourTeam will be a child page of HowTo
  • HowTo>ManageYourTeam>TheHardWay will be a child page of HowTo>ManageYourTeam
  • You don't have...

By Shinya Maeyama


Automatic Watchers by Category

This plugin allows you to automatically add watchers by category when an issue is created.
A tab on the project menu will be available to configure the watchers


Clone or download the project to plugin folder (Be sure the folde...

By Luís Fontes

