



From 2024-04-21 to 2024-04-24


12:28 Open discussion: RE: AlmaLinux/CentOS based Redmine docker image with Nginx+Passenger
Just upgraded to current version:
* Redmine 5.1.2 (tag 5.1.2
Junhua Wang
10:56 Open discussion: RE: AlmaLinux/CentOS based Redmine docker image with Nginx+Passenger
h1. Redmine Docker image with Nginx + Passenger
This image is production ready.
Support MySQL for now.
h2. Ver...
Junhua Wang


18:33 Open discussion: RE: Problem using prebuilt redmine:5.1.2 containers
Case closed.
docker run -d +*--security-opt seccomp=unconfined*+ ...
did the trick for now.
Frank Helsper
15:15 Open discussion: RE: Using repositories with redmine
For this maybe the "DMSF plugin": is a better choice. It's really cool an... Bernhard Rohloff
15:08 Open discussion: RE: Using repositories with redmine
Ah ok. Simple misunderstanding.
I was convinced that repositories were also meant to store relevant files directly...
Martin Neuß
11:24 Open discussion: RE: Using repositories with redmine
Hi Martin,
maybe its important to clarify that the respository view in Redmine isn't meant to upload files. One ca...
Bernhard Rohloff


19:47 Help: RE: Ticket creator
You can use "Redmine Adddionals" plugin for such customization.
-- Dav...
David from
14:45 Help: RE: Ticket creator
That's not what I mean.
You can always assign the ticket yourself under "Assign to me" and my question is whether...
Norbert Tester
10:52 Help: RE: Ticket creator
The ticket creator is shown above as "Autor" C S
06:59 Help: Ticket creator
is it possible to add a field here with a plugin or something similar so that the ticket can be assigned di...
Norbert Tester
19:11 Open discussion: Problem using prebuilt redmine:5.1.2 containers
Hi everybody,
I have been using prebuilt redmine/MySQL containers in several diffent version for some time now wit...
Frank Helsper
13:23 Help: Custom UI for Tracker
I want to add custom UI in the UI i want to display the names of USERs of particular project give them remarks Mr Ahlawat
10:38 Development: RE: Creating issues does not work after upgrading Redmine to version 5.0.5
check plugins James H
10:32 Help: RE: Tracker hierarchy (parent, subtask, nesting) not displayed consistently, esp. when parent changes
as a note, i believe the indent in the issues list only happens when it is ordered in that specific way where the chi... James H
09:47 Development: Redmine Ticket Body UI customization
I want to customize Redmine. Specifically, when I create an issue in my custom Redmine instance, I'd like to display ... Mr Ahlawat
07:26 Open discussion: Ticket creation and modification in redmine ticket via Gmail
Hi My name is Ankit,
I locally setup redmine in my ubantu O.S. and now I want to create, update, closed, resloved th...
Ankit Verma
07:25 Open discussion: RE: Issue creation by email
tien trung vu wrote:
> Hello,
> I followed the instruction at
Ankit Verma
07:24 Open discussion: RE: Issue creation by email
Bernhard Rohloff wrote in message#58455:
> The right answer is, you can't. Redmine creates a new issue for every new...
Ankit Verma

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