



Results (12110)

Feature #2557 (Closed): Subscribe me as member to all projects
As the main developer of all the projects in ... ofit from an entry in the users settings too. 2009-01-21 20:11
Feature #2556 (New): Add myself as member to all projects I contribute
My use case: We're three guys working on som ... t. But as soon as someone contributes (code, issues, wiki), he begins to be involved. My wis ... er only hours. Incredible! Thank you a lot!!! 2009-01-21 20:08
Feature #2549 (Closed): Enable the watching of news
At the moment, users can't watch news items. ... chable" property that the board, message and issue models have. I gather adding this to news wo ... tation details to the Redmine experts. :) 2009-01-20 22:16
Defect #2546 (Closed): Cannot view RSS feeds in Safari
RSS feeds in Safari/OSX no longer work. Same ... nt is not in a known feed format." (PubSub:2) 2009-01-20 12:48
Defect #2544 (Closed): I can see bcc emails when recieving emails from discusion
Like this (I'm using Gmail from Google Apps f ... e files on another environment and move them? 2009-01-19 22:53
Feature #2542 (Closed): Plugin hooks should have access to the "request" variable
Plugin Hooks do not have access to the "reque ... llers. </pre> --- Redmine version: 0.8 2009-01-19 22:19
Feature #2541 (Closed): Option to change issue type
Sometimes, a user could make the mistake of r ... t as a feature, and would have to delete the issue and rewrite a new one just to correct that o ... n Bug, Feature, and Support (or whatever the issues types are set to) even after they've initially submitted their issue. 2009-01-19 17:51
Feature #2539 (New): New project setting: mandatory/optional configuration for target version issue-attribute
Is it possible to have a per project setting for the issues' target version to either make it compulsor ... ect as some have versions while others don't. 2009-01-19 14:35
Feature #2538 (New): Fine-grain controll over ticket view permissions
We're evaluating idea to give access to some ... e action, we need more contron on how to see issues. My idea is: * level 1 - see only ticket names (list of issues: name, dates, etc) * level 2 - ticket name ... know exactly now "how") What others think? 2009-01-19 14:09
Defect #2537 (Closed): Popup calendar doesn't show on IE7
The popup calendar doesn't show up when adding comments/editing a issue. It's working fine when creating. I found this bug with IE7 7.0.5730.13 and 7.0.6001.18. 2009-01-19 12:54
Defect #2533 (Closed): start_date in 2008, submit in 2009 cause ":activerecord_error_invalid"
I'm trying to update this record, with revision 2282 : <pre> mysql> select * from issues where id=124\G *************************** ... error when updating a ticket created in 2009. 2009-01-19 10:48
Defect #2532 (Closed): Cannot browse Subversion paths that contain spaces
Whenever I try to browse a subversion path th ... 2.0.3 Perl/v5.8.8 Server at grp-horus Port 80 2009-01-19 10:23
Feature #2531 (Closed): "Within period" query filters for date fields
Add new option "Within period" to date filter ... 02/12/2008" means "to=02/12/2008 23:59:59" 2009-01-19 10:16
Feature #2530 (New): Handle custom project statuses
Is it possible to have project statuses the way we have issue statuses? We have very many projects that we ... MS and generate reports for the same too. 2009-01-19 10:00
Feature #2529 (Closed): Extend Issue Summary to include subprojects
When I view issues for a parent project I am shown issues from the parent and all sub projects mixed ... useful to have a summary display of ALL the issues in the parent and all subprojects rather than the parent project alone. 2009-01-19 06:40
Defect #2528 (Closed): Add member to project does not work in Safari.
In Safari, I cannot add members to projects. ... dmine version info?) Best regards, Julien 2009-01-18 19:04
Patch #2525 (New): Redmine management of Git repositories
This patch introduces Redmine management of G ... the push fast-forward ** Are the referenced issues correct The patch is probably still very ... posting for wider review. Comments welcomed. 2009-01-18 04:12
Feature #2523 (Closed): batch-mode for "mass" issue filing
Sometimes I'm on a bug filing spree. On these ... ke life simpler;-) I would like if a 'new issue' form would be opened right after sending th ... is feature by default would be nice, too;-) 2009-01-16 15:38
Feature #2522 (Closed): Subject field should get focus in 'New issue' form
I like on-load focus on forms like the 'New issue' form. It makes not using the mouse one step simpler. 2009-01-16 15:33
Feature #2519 (New): Confirm issues received by email
When creating new issues via email, I often find myself going to the web-interface anyway to check whether the issue was created correctly. It would be nice if R ... nally perhaps, confirm the creation of a new issue and inform you of the issue number and URL. If that email was designed i ... d reply to it and the reply was added to the issue as a comment, that would greatly streamline ... pport-tracking systems. What do you think? 2009-01-16 10:37
Feature #2516 (New): Allow word-wrapping in pre tags in Textile
I often copy and paste text that should be enclosed in @pre@ tags for issues and wiki pages. Unfortunately, if the text ... heir option. Affected version: Redmine 0.8 2009-01-15 15:34
Feature #2515 (Closed): Ticket customization
It should be useful to have the ability to cu ... l to make statistical analysis and invoicing. 2009-01-15 13:44
Defect #2512 (Closed): Subproject filter do not work
I try filter issues of my project by subproject. But this does ... e. Redmine ignores this filter and shows all issues for both project and subproject. 2009-01-15 11:05
Defect #2511 (Closed): Overlapping area in Issue entry
Hi, i have observed a little problem with the related revisions and code tags in issue text. (Mac OS 10.5.6; Safari Browser). The c ... iated revision. See the attached screen shot. 2009-01-14 21:32
Defect #2509 (Closed): autofetch with cvs repository does not find changes in sub folders
Did some testing as to why redmine will pick ... e to the file and see the changes there). 2009-01-14 18:55