



Results (18047)

Help: Issues importing csv files from the database
Hello, I get this error when I try to import ... 't know how to solve this problem. Help me. 2020-10-21 10:33
Help: RE: Disable/hide field
Workflow set to read-only only hide the field during create new issue, but still can be seen after issue created. 2020-10-21 06:27
Help: Issue status created through email
Ι created a new issue status and since then when an issue is created through email takes this status. Does anyone knows how I can change it? 2020-10-20 13:06
Help: RE: Change visible name of custom fields
The name of the field (which you can freely e ... he Administration area as well as within the issues forms and views. There is no capability to ... names for different web views within Redmine. 2020-10-19 16:24
Help: RE: Filter ONLY subproject issues
Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles wrote: > Hi Brute, ... Dn+ * mainproject E I want to filter for issues ONLY in D1 to Dn WITHOUT issues from D or any other mainproject A,C,E or ma ... OT D" wouldn't work for me. Thanks, Brute 2020-10-18 04:32
Help: RE: Filter ONLY subproject issues
<pre> Is it okay to say that the homework is ... Dn+ * mainproject E I want to filter for issues ONLY in D1 to Dn WITHOUT issues from D or any other mainproject A,C,E or ma ... OT D" wouldn't work for me. Thanks, Brute 2020-10-18 04:02
Help: RE: Filter ONLY subproject issues
Hi Brute, Is it okay to say that the homew ... o you have more projects? Regards, Adrián 2020-10-18 00:56
Help: RE: checklist and or wizard within redmine issue
Hi Alex, What I can think of is to make a ... Greetings, Adrian 2020-10-18 00:53
Open discussion: RE: Redmine API Issues add spent_hours
Hi Dilivio, I would recommend you to make ... need. If you need more information about the issues, you will have to make an additional call to issues as well. Regards, Adrian 2020-10-18 00:50
Plugins: RE: Plugin Checklist - Export CSV
Hi Alan, Have you tried accessing via API? Regards, Adrián 2020-10-18 00:47
Help: RE: Does not load the application
Hello Hernando, Check your Apache or Nginx ... l give you clues. I think it's a permissions issue for redmine files, remember that the permiss ... lication, not the root. Greetings, Adrian 2020-10-18 00:37
Job offers: RE: Photo upload from camera for Redmine issues
Hello Kent, Isn't it enough that you have the option to add photos to the issues? Regarding the desirable functionality o ... 2020-10-18 00:18
Help: [SOLVED] How to make persistent the options for viewing the issues list across projects
Hi, I want to change the way I see my issues. First of all, I'd like them to be grouped ... ple the projects page, and then go back, the issue list maintains its settings. However, someti ... one knows how to save option settings in the issue list, I would greatly appreciate it. Ralp ... h a custom query I found out. Problem solved! 2020-10-14 16:07
Help: NoMethodError: undefined method `to_prepare' during Upgrade (Bitnami Stack)
Hi Community, I am trying to upgrade a Bi ... aram </pre> It is already mentioned in the issue system but in a different context I think. D ... you for your advice! Kind regards Volker 2020-10-09 09:04
Help: SVG images are displayed as plain text
I recently upgraded our Redmine from 3.4 to 4 ... hout any results. Trying to reproduce this issue i added some logging output to the attachmen ... Does anyone has any ideas how to solve this issue? 2020-10-08 09:57
Help: RE: Cannot attach files larger than 1048576 bytes
Udo Hain wrote: > Dear Bernhard, > > have ... checked upload size was 1KB * created a new issue and tried to load files smaller and bigger 1 ... max upload size to 10000KB * created a new issue and tried to load files smaller and bigger 1 ... file settings but I couldn't reproduce your issue in any way. Did I miss any step or setup de ... orld. My tests where done with Firefox 81. 2020-10-07 11:01
Help: RE: Sometimes mail notifications are lost with Net::SMTPServerBusy error
Thank you for the feedback. After the upgrade we had a similar issue with another SMTP server so we decided to move to Office365 trying to solve the issue. That's why we thought the problem was on ... they have a throttle mechanism) Thank you. 2020-10-06 16:40
Open discussion: RE: Issue page style. Reverse chronological order
The Edit and Watch buttons appear to hang beneath the bottom most header of the right column. 2020-10-02 12:20
Help: Filter ONLY subproject issues
mainproject - subproject 1 ... - subproject n I want to only see issues from subproject 1 - n and not from the main ... ually select subproject 1-n --> mainproject issues shown Any ideas? 2020-09-30 09:09
Help: Error while installing plug-in
Hi Experts, I am trying to install the plu ... ake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_xlsx_format_issue_exporter RAILS_ENV=production Error: === ... ake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_xlsx_format_issue_exporter RAILS_ENV=production rake aborted! ... ake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_xlsx_format_issue_exporter RAILS_ENV=production --trace rake ... ke:23:in `<main>' has anybody seen this issue? Can you please help? -Abhi 2020-09-29 21:56
Help: checklist and or wizard within redmine issue
Within an issue, I want to add a series of steps with requir ... n each step. What is the best way to do this? 2020-09-29 19:37
Help: How to migrate redmine
Hello, I have a problem that, maybe some ... one uses PostgreSQL. I have already put some issues on the new installation but I don't mind losing all of them if it means that we get the old issues on the new installation 2020-09-28 04:37
Help: Redmine email notifications aren't being sent.
Before explaining your problem, please ... re: Defect #34038 2020-09-28 04:21
Plugins: Repository was archived: Issue Template.
Hi, all! Concerned about free-riding probl ... ed some plugin's repositories including this Issue Template. Thank you for all the support, feedback, and suggestions over the years. 2020-09-27 02:47
Plugins: Plugin Checklist - Export CSV
Hey guys, how are you? So, Currently I am ... and we have the checklist plugin e numerous issues with those checklists. My question is: Can ... s of those checklist ordered per Project and issues? I'm Currently Working with BI, and I want to use those datas. Thanks guys. 2020-09-25 20:18