RedmineCamp » History » Revision 9
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Mischa The Evil, 2010-09-25 01:15
Fixed user links in 'Place'-section.
This page should serve as a first step towards a real-life meetup of Redmine contributors, plugin developers, users, and general enthusiasts.
Have a first, then hopefully regular, meetups where we can meet in person, discuss, share ideas and code.
To be determined. General socializing and meeting in person would be great. Additionally, we could have the following:
- general Hacking, inspired SuperHappyDevHouse
- Bugmash
- Talks about Plugins, Use Cases, or other Redmine-related stuff, inspired by Barcamp
Please enter your name if you'd generally like to attend. As we have no place and date set yet, this is just a general list to gather interest and maybe see which place we should host the event at.
Real name | Nickname | Location | Can come to the U.S.? | Can come to the E.U.? |
Jan Schulz-Hofen | yeahrock | Berlin, Germany | yes | yes |
Muntek Singh | khalsa | Houston, TX, USA | yes | maybe |
Holger Just | meineerde | Berlin, Germany | maybe | yes |
Felix Schäfer | thegcat | Dortmund, Germany, EU | maybe | yes |
Jochen Hayek | Jochen_Hayek | Berlin, Germany | maybe | yes |
Eric Davis | edavis10 | Portland, OR, USA | yes | maybe |
To be determined. Fall 2010?
To be determined. Hopefully, we can get an idea on the geographic once people have started entering their names in the list of participants. For now, the following people have offered a location to host the event:
Name | Venue | Location |
James Turnbull | Puppet Labs Office | Portland, OR, USA |
Jan Schulz-Hofen | ROCKET RENTALS/Planio Office | Berlin, Germany |
Costs & Accomodation¶
Not clear yet. Maybe, some of the companies which earn money with Redmine can pitch in here and sponsor/cover some of the cost involved? I guess, for accomodation, we could use airbnb or CouchSurfing to keep costs low. Maybe local participants can also host a guest or two.
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 14 years ago · 9 revisions locked