

Chase Coney

  • Login: ChaseC
  • Registered on: 2010-11-08
  • Last connection: 2011-03-30


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 0 0



18:35 Redmine Help: Mailhandler Addition
Is there a way to add a custom field to be set via email by editing the mailhandler file in some way? Chase Coney


18:00 Redmine Open discussion: Gathering Data and Generating Reports
Hey guys,
Is there anyway that you know of to easily gather information about tickets.
I am looking to create a...
Chase Coney


14:34 Redmine Help: RE: Mailhandler Question
Bump. Chase Coney


22:14 Redmine Help: Mailhandler Question
Hello all,
So I am trying to make it so that when a user submits a request (this user already has an account creat...
Chase Coney
21:18 Redmine Help: Mass Change a Setting
Is there a way to change a setting or change a setting's default value for every user that logs in? (for ne...
Chase Coney


21:38 Redmine Help: Auto-create accounts
So I am trying to use Redmine as a service desk type of system.
I do not want to go in and add an account for ever...
Chase Coney


16:28 Redmine Help: How to allow any user to create issues in a public project?
I have a public project that I have setup for users that are requesting access to another project. How would I allow ... Chase Coney


17:48 Redmine Open discussion: What are some changes you made?
So I am currently implementing Redmine into our IT Bubble and I am finished with the upgrade/installation and have al... Chase Coney
16:07 Redmine Help: RE: Migrating Old DB
Bump Chase Coney


18:41 Redmine Help: Migrating Old DB
Hello all,
I am trying to basically upgrade my existing Redmine installation (running .8.x) to the newest version....
Chase Coney

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