

Barbara Post

  • Login: postb99
  • Registered on: 2009-06-10
  • Last connection: 2009-06-17


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



16:24 Redmine Open discussion: Gantt PDF and special characters
I'm using redmine 0.8.4 and my language is French. I wonder what is wrong with PDF export.
In issue titl...
Barbara Post
14:59 Redmine Wiki edit: ThirdPartyTools (#7)
Barbara Post
14:58 Redmine Wiki edit: Plugins (#53)
Barbara Post
13:03 Redmine Wiki edit: Plugins (#52)
Barbara Post
14:56 Redmine Help: RE: Problem with displaying gantt chart
A browser issue maybe ? Which ones did you test with ? Barbara Post
13:09 Redmine Plugins: RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows
Hello Bertrand,
Nice plugin ! I just have a suggestion/question :
- in Tortoise commit window, the added button...
Barbara Post
12:21 Redmine Open discussion: Issue assignment and workflow
I'm wondering about such a case :
- my manager role can assign an issue to a developer. When doing so, he ...
Barbara Post


14:33 Redmine Wiki edit: HowTo_configure_Redmine_to_mail_to_MS_Exchange_server (#2)
Barbara Post


13:03 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#54)
Added info for DB port configuration Barbara Post
11:44 Redmine Help: RE: rake db:migrate on Windows
I corrected the postgresql redmine users rights (found out by "pgsql -U redmine redmine" that it missed connexion rig... Barbara Post

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