



Feature #10264


Add a check/uncheck all button to search

Added by Jos Accapadi about 13 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Target version:
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When getting search results, all items are checked. As more plugins are added, it extends the list of search items, where it would be good to have a clear all to just select the one or two that you want to search vs unchecking all.


search.png (40.2 KB) search.png Mizuki ISHIKAWA, 2019-02-05 00:58
other2.png (12.7 KB) other2.png Mizuki ISHIKAWA, 2019-02-05 01:00
other1.png (28.6 KB) other1.png Mizuki ISHIKAWA, 2019-02-05 01:00

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #8680: Select all modules for search and activitiesNew2011-06-24

Actions #1

Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago

  • Category set to UI

Probably we can fulfill this request by adding a green check icon ( ) to check/uncheck checkboxes, that can be seen in many pages such as Workflow and Permission report.

Actions #2

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA about 6 years ago

By changing like this, a green check icon will be added.


On other screens, it is label + green check icon,
but I could not think of an appropriate label on this screen.

Actions #3

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next minor release

it is a small change and very useful, I propose to add it in a next minor release.

Actions #4

Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from Candidate for next minor release to 4.0.2

Marius BALTEANU wrote:

it is a small change and very useful, I propose to add it in a next minor release.

I agree. Setting the target version to 4.0.2.

Actions #5

Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago

I changed the target version to 4.0.1, but this change may break themes for 4.0 because it changes the structure of HTML (wraps p#search-types with

I think 4.1.0 is better.

Actions #6

Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from Add clear all to search to Add a check/uncheck all button to search
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Go MAEDA
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Committed. Thanks.

Actions #7

Updated by Alexander Meindl about 6 years ago

This issue shows target version 4.0.2 and changelog shows it, too. But the related commit currently only exists in trunk. I think, this issue should changed to target version 4.1.0 (as mentioned in #10264#note-5).

Actions #8

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

Alexander Meindl wrote:

This issue shows target version 4.0.2 and changelog shows it, too. But the related commit currently only exists in trunk. I think, this issue should changed to target version 4.1.0 (as mentioned in #10264#note-5).

Indeed, the target version was never changed to 4.1.0. I'm not sure what we should do in this case, I see two options:
- we merge r17852 in 4.0-stable branch and deliver this feature in 4.0.3
- we change the target version to 4.1.0 and that's it.

Actions #9

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

My recommendation is to deliver this in 4.0.3 (is not such a big change).

Actions #10

Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago

Sorry for my mistake.

I have merged r17852 to 4.0-stable branch and it will be available in 4.0.3.

Actions #11

Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #8680: Select all modules for search and activities added

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