Feature #2585
openAdd Modules to hide/display Overview, Activity, Roadmap
When opening Projects to clients, in some cases one may not want to display Activity or Overview. The Project Settings' Modules covers most of a Project's tabs, but not:
- Overview
- Activity
- Roadmap
Could tick boxes be added here, so that Admins can 100% customize the look & feel of each project according to its requirements (confidentiality, etc..).
Related issues
Updated by Ben Blanco about 16 years ago
Screenshot of currently available Modules:
Updated by Ali Entezari almost 15 years ago
To Hide Activity Tab, remove the following line from redmine\lib\redmine.rb
menu.push :help, Redmine::Info.help_url, :last => true
Updated by Ali Entezari almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to New
- % Done changed from 100 to 0
This is not resolved. Hiding the links won't disable the views.
Updated by Joshua Villagomez almost 14 years ago
I too would like to see this feature added.
Updated by Aidin Abedi over 13 years ago
I just tried a this module plugin for Activity with my redmine 1.2.1 and it works! https://github.com/finnlabs/redmine_activity_module
I then tried to copy it and rewrite it for Roadmap but the copy doesn't play nice with the original so I can't make them work simultaneously.
Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago
There is the plugin redmine blocks which can show hide elemnts on overview page.
The Roadmap shall be sparated from issue module in core
Updated by llorbinshane aifseng almost 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Maxim Krušina
Updated by Arthur Zalevsky about 12 years ago
Same here. Is it possible to implement this feature in Redmine 2.*?
Updated by Daniel Felix over 11 years ago
Another idea could be to define permissions to disable this items for certain usergroups.
Updated by Muditha Jayawardana almost 11 years ago
Is there any plugging or a patch to do this.
hide overview and road map module for specific role.
Updated by Daniel Felix over 10 years ago
Hi there,
if I'm not too wrong, this could already be done. If you remove the rights to see the activities and so on for a special role, the user won't see the menu item, doesn't it?
Updated by Daniel Felix over 10 years ago
Yes I'm wrong. The Activity is displayed at all. But the Gantt and the roadmap should be hidden if there were insufficient rights. Maybe this could be solved via a simple additional right "can see activity"?
Updated by Go MAEDA over 10 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #4955: How to simplify the interface as much as possible added
Updated by Cédric Brancourt almost 10 years ago
Well I can provide easy instructions to disable some menu items.
It can be used in plugins:
Redmine is easy to extend and customize through plugins avoid temptation to edit it's files and write plugin instead ! This way you can follow versions.
A plugin that disable the activity tab is a single file plugin :
# plugins/disable_activity/init.rb Redmine::Plugin.register :disable_activity do name 'Disable Activity' author 'Cedric Brancourt' version '0.0.1' description 'Disable activity tab' Redmine::MenuManager.map(:project_menu).delete(:activity) end
And you're done.
Updated by Cédric Brancourt almost 10 years ago
By the way if you wish to forbid access to activities this can be a 2 files plugin :
# plugins/disable_activity/init.rb require 'activities_controller_override' Redmine::Plugin.register :disable_activity do name 'Disable Activity' author 'Cedric Brancourt' version '0.0.1' description 'Disable activity tab' Redmine::MenuManager.map(:project_menu).delete(:activity) permission :view_activities, custom_activities: :index ActivitiesController.send(:include, ActivitiesControllerOverride) end
# plugins/disable_activities/lib/activities_controller_override module ActivitiesControllerOverride def self.included(activity_controller) activity_controller.send(:include, InstanceMethods) activity_controller.class_eval do alias_method_chain :index, :custom_authorize end end module InstanceMethods def index_with_custom_authorize authorize :custom_activities, :index, false index_without_custom_authorize end end end
Updated by 4wk_ _ almost 10 years ago
Really need this feature without plugin (cause it hide it for everyone / for every project) : just another checkbox on the admin panel !
Updated by Subash Manickam over 9 years ago
Yes I am looking the same kind of functionality for Clients, So giving a checkbox "Show Overview Tab" on User roles would be great
Updated by Donald Martin almost 9 years ago
Otherwise if it can't be an option per project to remove overview I'd like to be able to change the default page per project. If you go to a project, on some I'd like to go straight to issues on others I'd like to go straight to Documents - etc etc
Updated by Leszek Koltunski almost 9 years ago
+1. Come on guys - can we have this implemented?
Updated by Robert Redl over 8 years ago
Cédric Brancourt wrote:
Well I can provide easy instructions to disable some menu items.
It can be used in plugins:
Redmine is easy to extend and customize through plugins avoid temptation to edit it's files and write plugin instead ! This way you can follow versions.
A plugin that disable the activity tab is a single file plugin :
And you're done.
This method works very well for the activity page, but how to remove the Overview?
Updated by George Notaras over 8 years ago
I needed to minimize the amount of public web pages generated by Redmine so as to reduce the load on the server when the application is hit by bots. The goal is to keep only the overview/wiki/files tabs publicly available per project, since they are the only ones that are actually used.
I did a quick test with the plugin code posted above and it seems to work. The Activity page redirects to the login page. However, there are still some issues with the activity Atom feeds:
1) The feed for the overall activity returns a 500 error. The following errors are recorded in the log:
AbstractController::DoubleRenderError (Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action. Please note that you may only call render OR redirect, and at most once per action. Also note that neither redirect nor render terminate execution of the action, so if you want to exit an action after redirecting, you need to do something like "redirect_to(...) and return".): app/controllers/application_controller.rb:526:in `render_feed' app/controllers/activities_controller.rb:71:in `block (2 levels) in index' app/controllers/activities_controller.rb:59:in `index' plugins/disable_activity/lib/activities_controller_override.rb:13:in `index_with_custom_authorize' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode' AbstractController::DoubleRenderError (Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action. Please note that you may only call render OR redirect, and at most once per action. Also note that neither redirect nor render terminate execution of the action, so if you want to exit an action after redirecting, you need to do something like "redirect_to(...) and return".): app/controllers/application_controller.rb:526:in `render_feed' app/controllers/activities_controller.rb:71:in `block (2 levels) in index' app/controllers/activities_controller.rb:59:in `index' plugins/disable_activity/lib/activities_controller_override.rb:13:in `index_with_custom_authorize' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'
2) The activity feed of each individual project continues to work as if the Activity page was publicly available.
In my opinion the expected behavior regarding both types of activity feeds (overall & per project) would be to redirect to the login screen, like it happens with the activity pages.
Any ideas about how to address the above issues are very welcome.
Update: +1 for the implementation of this feature in the Redmine core.
Updated by Jules Bowie over 7 years ago
- want to disable the overview and activity for a 'read-only' project that has a wiki and news modules. I don't want users to see other members' names (except for those with edit rights)
Updated by simon butcher about 7 years ago
for private projects, the users are shown on the overview page as members. when you have 3000+ members this slows everything down hideously when viewing overview page. an option to hide overview would be good.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago
- Related to Defect #27902: Overview page is very slow for private projects with large number of members added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #34881: Activity page block added