



Feature #26575


Add update info at the bottom of the wiki page

Added by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



wiki-update-info@2x.png (32.3 KB) wiki-update-info@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2017-07-30 02:41
26575_add_links_to_user_and_to_date.patch (521 Bytes) 26575_add_links_to_user_and_to_date.patch Marius BĂLTEANU, 2017-08-06 15:31
after.png (57.3 KB) after.png Marius BĂLTEANU, 2017-08-06 15:32
before.png (56.4 KB) before.png Marius BĂLTEANU, 2017-08-06 15:32
redmine_wiki_version.png (22.2 KB) redmine_wiki_version.png Alexander Ryabinovskiy, 2018-09-18 16:12
redmine-3_4@2x.png (68.8 KB) redmine-3_4@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2018-09-24 07:42
redmine-4_0-without-icon@2x.png (57.4 KB) redmine-4_0-without-icon@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2018-09-24 07:42
redmine-4_0-with-icon@2x.png (82.1 KB) redmine-4_0-with-icon@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2018-09-24 07:42
Actions #1

Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago

  • Category set to Wiki
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
  • Target version set to 4.0.0

Implemented in r16905.

Actions #2

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago

I propose to add some links to the user name and date (for consistency with other screens).



Actions #3

Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago

Marius BALTEANU wrote:

I propose to add some links to the user name and date (for consistency with other screens).

time_tag is really needed to know detailed updated time.

Actions #4

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to New
Actions #5

Updated by Yasukazu Nagatomi over 6 years ago


Actions #6

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Patch committed, thanks.

Actions #8

Updated by Alexander Ryabinovskiy over 6 years ago

I am trying to translate "label_x_revisions" in .yml and I have a question.
Why did you called this label "revisions" (like in "Repository" module) but not "versions" (like in wiki history) ?

Actions #9

Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened
Actions #10

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

Wiki history now uses "Revisions" only.

Actions #11

Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

I think that showing the familiar "history" icon is better. If there is the icon, users can find the important link easily and can understand that the "X revisions" is the link that they used to call "History" link.

Without the icon, users may not be able to find this feature and misunderstand that "History" has been removed.

Index: app/views/wiki/show.html.erb
--- app/views/wiki/show.html.erb        (revision 17516)
+++ app/views/wiki/show.html.erb        (working copy)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 <% if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_wiki_edits, @project) %>
 <p class="wiki-update-info">
   <%= wiki_content_update_info(@content) %>
- · <%= link_to l(:label_x_revisions, :count => @content.version), {:action => 'history', :id => @page.title} %>
+ · <%= link_to l(:label_x_revisions, :count => @content.version), {:action => 'history', :id => @page.title}, {:class => 'icon icon-history'} %>
 <% end %>

Redmine 3.4:
We had an icon beside the History link.

The current trunk (Redmine 3.4.6.devel.17516):
"History" was changed to "X revisions" and the icon was removed.

The current trunk with the proposing patch:
Adding the icon is intuitive and consistent with older versions.

Actions #12

Updated by Erik E over 6 years ago

Would it be confusing/a problem to keep the "History" button above? I think the information below is a great addition, but the button on the top would allow easy access to the history (without the need to scroll down)- and all other "control" elements are there, too.

As an imho: In that case I'd drop the icon below, I think it looks more elegant. But I am not an UI/UX expert ;-)

Actions #13

Updated by Vasili Korol over 6 years ago

I am +1 for keeping the "History" link at the top, in addition to the new controls at the bottom.

Actions #14

Updated by Jérôme BATAILLE over 6 years ago

Hi, Sound good to me to keep it.

Actions #15

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

History link restored at the top of the page.


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