Feature #29034
openOption to collapse/expand issue sections
In #29027, I've proposed to add an collapse/expand feature to issue sections.
Below there are 2 proposals:
1. Collapse/expand only for the following sections: Description, Attachments (#29033), Subtasks and Relations.
2. Collapse/expand also for the Attributes section (this one requires more UI changes):
Related issues
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Related to Patch #29033: Move attachments to their own section in issue page added
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #29027: Add more structure to the issues view by using tabs added
Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago
- File small_screen.jpg small_screen.jpg added
First of all, this is overall a nice feature and I would be glad to have at least one option accepted.
If I could choose I would be in favor of the second option even if it leads to more changes. Like in #29033 the 'Attributes' heading gives the view more structure and divides the issue in logical sections. I think it gives the issue a nice looking header bar on top, too. The second advantage is that if the attributes page is collapsed it would release space to look at the other sections and don't have to scroll up and down to get to my information, especially on issues with many attributes. This could make a huge difference for people like me who are sitting in front of a Chromebook or small laptop with a lower resolution.
As you can see the attributes section takes around 30% of the space dedicated to the issues information.
So plus one for the proposal and plus one for option 2.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- File 0001-option-to-collapse-expand-issue-description-files-fu.patch 0001-option-to-collapse-expand-issue-description-files-fu.patch added
Here is a patch that can be applied on top of #29033 and can be used to test this expand/collapse feature. If the feedback is positive, I'll add another patch that moves the attributes to their own section (like in the second proposal) and another one to memorise the state of the section using local storage.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Related to Patch #29263: Move issue attributes to their own section in issue page added
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- File 0001-add-expand-collpase-for-issue-attributes.patch 0001-add-expand-collpase-for-issue-attributes.patch added
- File 0002-adds-some-padding-to-issue-section-content.patch 0002-adds-some-padding-to-issue-section-content.patch added
The attached patches:
- add the expand/collapse also for the issue attributes section
- add a 15x padding
With these 2 patches, my second proposal is almost ready.
Still on my to do list:- memorise the state of the section using local storage
- add an option to expand/collapse all sections. Here I'll be happy to receive some UI proposals.
Please be aware that these patches base on #29263.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Related to deleted (Patch #29033: Move attachments to their own section in issue page)
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Blocked by Patch #29033: Move attachments to their own section in issue page added
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Related to deleted (Patch #29263: Move issue attributes to their own section in issue page)
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Blocked by Patch #29263: Move issue attributes to their own section in issue page added
Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago
Thanks for the patches Marius!
The patches from #29033 and #29263 applied flawlessly and look good to me.
Somehow the patch 0002-adds-some-padding-to-issue-section-content.patch refuses to apply in my environment.
Could you please check if its applying cleanly on your side?
Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago
I also think there's some additional JavaScript magic necessary, isn't it?
Something like in source:trunk/app/views/versions/index.html.erb#L89 ...
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
Bernhard Rohloff wrote:
Could you please check if its applying cleanly on your side?
Thanks for testing it. Yes, I'll take a look these days.
I also think there's some additional JavaScript magic necessary, isn't it?
Something like in source:trunk/app/views/versions/index.html.erb#L89 ...
I'm not sure for why do you think that we need some additional JS magic. My fist patch (0001-option-to-collapse-expand-issue-description-files-fu.patch) already adds a new JS function to manage the toggles.
Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago
Oh my, I shouldn't test patches after a hot summer day at work.
I totally oversaw the first patch. If it's applied everything else applies properly,too.
And so far it works great!
On the collapse/expand all
subject it's perhaps a good idea to make it similar to the existing feature in the issues list where you can expand/collapse all categories at once. I think this would be a very consistent experience.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #29321: Move the watchers list to issue section added
Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #11988: Display additional attachments in the issue history only added
Updated by Edgars Batna almost 6 years ago
Space savers are definitely welcome.
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #25925: Fold away "Change properties" when adding an issue note added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 4.1.0
Setting the target version to 4.1.0.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.0 to Candidate for next minor release
I think we actually save space when we can collapse some sections by default. Having to collpase sections manually to save space each time we display an issue doesn't sound so much usefull to me.
Can we have more feedback on this proposed change?
Updated by Dmitry Beloglazov over 1 year ago
+1 for this feature, would be really nice to have.
I think we actually save space when we can collapse some sections by default
It probably makes sense to collapse the files section by default. Usually the user downloads the files when they start working on the issue and they don't need to see the full list after that.
Updated by Dmitry Nekrasov 10 months ago
is it possible to add folding button at section name?
Updated by Ricky Morse 8 months ago
Please! This would make adding comments much more obvious...