



Patch #32238


Improvement of the German translation

Added by Thomas Löber over 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

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I have revised the German translation and made minor changes to 51 items.

Patches for trunk and 4.0-stable are attached.



trunk-de.yml.patch (25.2 KB) trunk-de.yml.patch Thomas Löber, 2019-10-10 11:17
4.0-stable-de.yml.patch (24 KB) 4.0-stable-de.yml.patch Thomas Löber, 2019-10-10 11:17
trunk-de.yml.v2.patch (29.6 KB) trunk-de.yml.v2.patch Bernhard Rohloff, 2019-12-12 06:22
trunk-de.yml.v3.patch (29.2 KB) trunk-de.yml.v3.patch Go MAEDA, 2020-03-22 06:43

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #32515: locales: the "task" should be named as "issue"New

Actions #1

Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago

Since I don't understand German, I am not sure if this change is appropriate. I want people who understand Geman to review the patch.

Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago

I think the patches look good and are a great improvement of the current translation. My only concern is the translation of the diff label. As it is only used in the SCM context and the word diff is quite common in the jargon of programmers I'm not sure if it's appropriate to change it to Vergleich (Comparison). I've added some more native speakers as watchers to hopefully get more feedback from others.

Actions #3

Updated by Jens Krämer over 5 years ago

While I am generally fine with the translation of diff, since Vergleich imho is pretty spot on in it's meaning, I have two other remarks :)

  • I have a problem with the mixed use of Ticket and Aufgabe. While either would be fine with me as word for the English ticket, I find it bad to mix both of them. The patch introduces such a mixed use for open_issue_with_closed_parent. I admit at least another such mixed use is currently present (cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant), as I'm typing this on my phone I can't check for other occurrences right now. I admit that Unteraufgabe is a much nicer word than Unterticket, but maybe that's just a sign that we should generally rename Ticket to Aufgabe ;)
  • text_mercurial_repository_note - I think there should not be a space in the z.B. acronym.
Actions #4

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago

Jens Krämer wrote:

  • I have a problem with the mixed use of Ticket and Aufgabe. While either would be fine with me as word for the English ticket, I find it bad to mix both of them. The patch introduces such a mixed use for open_issue_with_closed_parent. I admit at least another such mixed use is currently present (cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant), as I'm typing this on my phone I can't check for other occurrences right now. I admit that Unteraufgabe is a much nicer word than Unterticket, but maybe that's just a sign that we should generally rename Ticket to Aufgabe ;)

I personally like the word Ticket more since it describes the functionality in an abstract way which is not tied to the purpose like Aufgabe, Auftrag, Vorgang. But I'm also fine with Aufgabe as most Tickets are assignments anyway. :-)

  • text_mercurial_repository_note - I think there should not be a space in the z.B. acronym.

The acronym z.B. without the space is the deprecated form. The up to date notation is the one that Thomas has proposed.

Actions #5

Updated by Kevin Fischer over 5 years ago

Looks good to me!

I admit that Unteraufgabe is a much nicer word than Unterticket, but maybe that's just a sign that we should generally rename Ticket to Aufgabe ;)

I totally agree and I think we can just do it like in the original English version, where issue and subtask are also used side by side.

I personally like the word Ticket more since it describes the functionality in an abstract way which is not tied to the purpose

I agree

Actions #6

Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago

Please assign this issue to me when the final translation patch is ready.

Actions #7

Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago

How is the current status of the patch? Could someone provide a final patch?

Actions #8

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago

I've attached a revision of Thoma's patch which is fixing the mixed use of "Ticket" and "Aufgabe" (issue and task). While testing I found the result very pleasing and I think it improves the UX of the module quite a lot. I decided to go with "Ticket" as it is a more universal term. IMHO flexibility is a very strong selling point for Redmine over the most SaaS solutions nowadays.

There is a request for that change in #32515, too. Perhaps we should think about also fixing this for the other locales.

Actions #9

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago

  • Related to Defect #32515: locales: the "task" should be named as "issue" added
Actions #10

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago

Oh by the way... I replaced the term "Unteraufgaben" with "Untergeordnete Tickets" which sounds nicer than "Unterticket" and looks way better in the details view when it gets shown above "Verlinkte Tickets".

Actions #11

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff almost 5 years ago

  • Assignee set to Go MAEDA
  • Target version set to 4.2.0

I've tested the patch trunk-de.yml.v2.patch against the current trunk and it still applies with no conflicts. I think the patch is a great improvement for the over all user experience and we should apply it to the next version.

Actions #12

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 5 years ago

Updated the patch for r19602. Translation for strings "must_contain_*" has already been applied in r19572.

Actions #13

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 5 years ago

  • Subject changed from German translation update to Improvement of the German translation
  • Status changed from New to Closed

Committed the patch. Thank you for your contribution.


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