Defect #32828
closedFix typos in Russian translation
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I have fixed some mistakes in Russian translation for 4.1.0:
- E instead of Yo:
- odd: "может иметь лишь нечетное значение" - even: "может иметь лишь четное значение" + odd: "может иметь лишь нечётное значение" + even: "может иметь лишь чётное значение"
Using of Yo letter (Russian Ё) isn’t required but some strings already contains Yo. So proper way is to add dots above E.
- Untranslated new requirements to passwords:
- must_contain_uppercase: "must contain uppercase letters (A-Z)" - must_contain_lowercase: "must contain lowercase letters (a-z)" - must_contain_digits: "must contain digits (0-9)" - must_contain_special_chars: "must contain special characters (!, $, %, ...)" + must_contain_uppercase: "должен содержать заглавные латинские буквы (A-Z)" + must_contain_lowercase: "должен содержать строчные латинские буквы (a-z)" + must_contain_digits: "должен содержать цифры (0-9)" + must_contain_special_chars: "должен содержать специальные символы (!, $, %, ...)"
- Wrong dash character name:
- text_project_identifier_info: Допускаются только строчные латинские буквы (a-z), цифры, тире и подчеркивания.<br />После сохранения идентификатор изменить нельзя. + text_project_identifier_info: Допускаются только строчные латинские буквы (a-z), цифры, дефисы и подчёркивания.<br />После сохранения идентификатор изменить нельзя.
Russian word “тире” [tʲɪ're] means long Em Dash (U+2014) but not a hyphen (U+002D) which named “дефис” [dʲə'fis].
Related issues
Updated by Vasili Korol about 5 years ago
- The change е -> ё is insignificant and is mostly a matter of taste. Personally, I don't mind the change, but even without it the text would be correct.
- I agree with the proposed translations of
strings. - The change тире -> дефис is strictly speaking correct. Though I am sure that no one would mistaken a hyphen for a long dash in the context (project title).
Since all proposed changes are actually correct, I would support the patch "as is", if there are no objections from other Russian speakers.
Updated by Alexander Sapozhnikov about 5 years ago
1. Yes, change e → ë is insignificant, but inconsistency looks ugly.
3. Further reading in Russian about hyphen, dashes, and minus: Артемий Лебедев. Тире, минус и дефис, или Черты русской типографики.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago
- Copied to Patch #32995: Russian translation update for 4.1-stable added
Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Fix Russian translation in 4.1.0 to Fix typo in Russian translation
I have extracted the newly translated strings (must_contain_*) as #32995.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Fix typo in Russian translation to Fix typos in Russian translation
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
Committed the patch. Thank you for your translation.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
- Tracker changed from Patch to Defect
- Resolution set to Fixed