



Defect #33521


Use issue path instead of bulk update issues path when using the context menu with only one issue selected

Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

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When changing the attributes of an issue from the context menu, the bulk update issues path is used even if only one issue is selected. Because of this, if the validation fails, the user is redirect to the bulk edit view to fill in the required fields. But if Description is one of those fields, the user won't have available the field because Description is not available in the bulk edit view.

The attach patch changes the behaviour in order to use issue path to update attributes when only one issue is selected. In this case, if the validation fails, the user is redirect to the issue edit page. The route change was necessary in order to allow Patch method for bulk routes as well.


Actions #2

Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago

Would you tell me the steps to cause a validation error through the context menu? Since the context menu only shows valid options, I could not find a way to cause a validation error.

Actions #3

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 4 years ago

Go MAEDA wrote:

Would you tell me the steps to cause a validation error through the context menu? Since the context menu only shows valid options, I could not find a way to cause a validation error.

Yes, please follow these steps using the default data:
  1. Make "Description" field mandatory for "In progress" status
  2. Find an issue in status "New" without "Description" filled in
  3. Using the context menu, try to change the issue status to in "In progress"
  4. You should receive the validation error and you can observe that the Description field is not available in the page.
Actions #4

Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago

Marius BALTEANU wrote:

Go MAEDA wrote:

Would you tell me the steps to cause a validation error through the context menu? Since the context menu only shows valid options, I could not find a way to cause a validation error.

Yes, please follow these steps using the default data:
  1. Make "Description" field mandatory for "In progress" status
  2. Find an issue in status "New" without "Description" filled in
  3. Using the context menu, try to change the issue status to in "In progress"
  4. You should receive the validation error and you can observe that the Description field is not available in the page.

Thank you, confirmed the issue.

Actions #5

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 4.2.0
Actions #6

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU almost 4 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Patch to Defect
  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • Target version changed from 4.2.0 to 5.0.0
Actions #8

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Closed
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Patch committed.

Actions #9

Updated by Go MAEDA over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened

Due to r21089, you are no longer able to change the issue status via the context menu. The error is as follows:

Started POST "/issues/1?back_url=%2Fprojects%2Fecookbook%2Fissues&ids%5B%5D=1&issue%5Bstatus_id%5D=5" for at 2021-08-02 09:55:03 +0900

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/issues/1"):
Actions #10

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 3 years ago

I have attached two patches.

  • 0001-Fix-status-update-path-on-the-context-menu.patch
    The cause of #33521#note-9 is that the data method of the link to update the status was still post instead of patch.
    This is a patch that adds data-method fixes and tests.
Actions #11

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed
  • Assignee set to Marius BĂLTEANU

Both patches committed, thank you for working on this.

Actions #12

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 3 years ago

I found another problem caused by the impact of this change.

When changing the category to none from the context menu:
[Expected result] "Category deleted (Printing)" is displayed in the issue history.
[Actual result] "Category changed from Printing to 0" is displayed in the issue history.

This can be reproduced with attributes other than category_id.

When I pass the parameter {category_id:'none'}, bulk_update converts it to {category_id:''} by the parse_params_for_bulk_update method, but update doesn't.

Actions #13

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened
Actions #14

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 3 years ago

I have attached a patch to fix #33521#note-12.

Actions #15

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

Mizuki ISHIKAWA wrote:

I have attached a patch to fix #33521#note-12.

Patch committed with small changes, thank you for reporting and fixing the issue.

Actions #16

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 3 years ago

Marius BALTEANU wrote:

Mizuki ISHIKAWA wrote:

I have attached a patch to fix #33521#note-12.

Patch committed with small changes, thank you for reporting and fixing the issue.

Thank you for reviewing and committing.


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