Feature #449
Added by Motohiro Takayama over 17 years ago.
Updated over 4 years ago.
It would be so convinient and productive if redMine supports keyboard shortcuts like Trac or some nifty web apps.
For example, press Ctrl+R to preview, Ctrl+S to submit, Ctrl+/ to enter search text, ...
To support above, we would only need to add "accesskey" attribute to elements (like input, a).
Added the following accesskeys in
- e => edit
- r => preview
- f => quick search
- 4 => search
Reopen this request if you have any other proposal.
- Status changed from Closed to Reopened
It would be useful to write in the "title" attribute of every "a" tag with an accesskey a description of the keyboard shortcut, for instance: "Bold (Ctrl+B)".
CTRL+Alt+P => go to projet
In Issue edit:
Ctrl+Alt+S => Focus on Status
Ctrl+Alt+A => Choose file to attach popup (if is possible)
In "Notes" area:
Ctrl+P => pre
Less important:
Ctrl+B => Bold
Ctrl+I => Italic
Ctrl+U => Underline
Today every modern platforms support hotkeys... All except favorite Redmine.
And, generally, for editing/updating stuff:
Ctrl+Enter => Submit
- Related to Patch #18692: Access keys for previous (p)/next (n) links added
+ Ctrl+Alt+P: project list select open (use jquery.select2 plugin)
+ "ArrowDown", "ArrowUp", "Space", "Enter" to quickly navigate issues list
- Has duplicate Feature #27401: Switch from View ticket to Edit Ticket - hit the button E on your keyboard added
- Related to Patch #28025: Access project jump box with hotkey added
- Related to Feature #29473: Submit a form with Ctrl+Enter / Command+Return added
Our helpdesk Zammad has hotkeys for copying the ticket ID along with URL and title which I find extremely useful:
Ctrl+Shift+. copies only the ticket ID (#449)
Ctrl+Shift+.. copies the ticket ID and title (#449: Redmine: Keyboard shortcuts)
Ctrl+Shift+... copies the ticket ID, title and URL (https://www.redmine.org/issues/449 Redmine: Keyboard shortcuts)
We probably send up to a hundred Redmine ticket links in our company chat every day; a way to easily include the project and ticket title seems extremely useful to me.
Also available in: Atom